Chapter 12

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   "I can walk on my own."
   Mika gave Marian the space she wanted.
   Walking through the front doors of the hospital, Marian sneered absently from her heightened sense of awareness. Everything was more intensified than her normal. She could hear and smell everything.
   People moved around, patients and staff like ants migrating in bi-directional areas. The smell of must, perfumes, and food stained her nose. Out of all the strongest she could smell was blood.
   "Put these on."
   Marian faced Mika seeing a pair of sun glasses in his hand. He arched a brow as if saying 'not to argue'.
   There would be no complaints from her. Marian's eyes were probably a dark red.
   "She better be worth seeing," Mika muttered.
   Ignoring Mika's comment, Marian walked up to the front desk.
   The nurse at the front gave Marian a quizzical look, pointing toward another direction. "Registration is over there."
   "I'm looking for someone who works here." Marian tried all she could to ignore the pulse in this woman's neck.
  Now the nurse seemed curious and helpful, looking Marian up and down.
   "Are you a family member or--"
   "No." Marian interrupted the woman from further speaking. "I'm here for Lena. Lena--"
   "I know who Lena is." She typed down at her computer keeping a smirk on her face. Was it obvious who Marian could be to Lena? If she knew Lena than it would be a high chance in this nurse guessing Marian was a love interest of Lena's. "She's in the ICU tonight. Second floor. Elevators around that corner to your left." She pointed off toward the direction, handing Marian a visitor patch.
   "I'm not wearing one of those. I'll wait for you down here."
   "What...You trust me again?"
   Mika rolled his eyes. "I think you would have attempted to chew on someone's neck by now." He waved me off. "I'll be waiting."
   It took Marian a few minutes to reach the floor Lena was at, finding a different atmosphere than the emergency unit. Everyone seemed well organized and calmer. A fresher scent masked the air from any terrible sicknesses people were suffering from.
   Marian tasted vanilla in her mouth from the amount of Air freshener they were using.
   "Hello, may I help you."
   A dark skinned woman approached with sky blue shrubs and a badge that read: R.N Jones.
   There was a hint of Lena on this nurse. She was in the right area. Marian's skin was slightly blanched than her usual shade. By the look of bewilderment on this nurse's face she was suspicious of Marian. She was wearing sunglasses inside of a hospital.
   "I'm Marian. Is Lena available."
   "Your her?" She pointed at Marian with accusation. "The woman who stood her up," she clarified.
   Marian felt no need to explain herself to this human. Her eyes examined the area catching a sight of Lena walking down the hall.
   Forcing on a smile Marian said, "thank you. I see her."
   Marian moved swiftly passed the nurse, into the direction Lena headed.
   Lena was in her view and as she passed a hospital room, Marian froze. Her head swerved toward the room finding an elderly woman sitting alone in the room. It wasn't the elder woman that made her skin overheat. It was the scent of a vampire. A familiar scent that never left her nose. Lucius scent.
   Marian sneered knowing now that Lucius was much closer to Lena than she thought.
   "What are you doing here?"
   Lena walked up to Marian, anger and hurt in her eyes. Her expression changed when she scanned Marian's appearance.
   "Are you sick?"
   "Who was in this room?" Marian completely ignored the question Lena asked her.
   Lena looked off toward the room Marian was staring into. "That's Mrs. Moravia room." She started back Marian's way, curiosity spilling out of her. "Why?"
   "She have any visitors?"
   Lena's expression dropped into a fearful state. Calmly, though Marian heard a trimmer in her voice, Lena answered. "Yes. What's going on and what happened to you?"
   Marian grabbed a hold of Lena's hand, pulling her into a private room.
   Shutting the door a whiff of dry old blood still singed the air enough for Marian to wince.
   "How long ago did he leave?" The only thing on Marian's mind was protecting Lena.
   " do you know it was a man?" Lena was full of questions, taking a step back from Marian.
   Marian had some explaining to do but she couldn't tell Lena the truth.  Taking a step toward her, Lena held her hand stopping Marian. "Clearly, you know something. I would like to know what that is."
   "I can't tell you."
   "You can't or won't?" Lena crossed her arms over her chest.
   "Lena...There are circumstances that--"
   "Bullshit Marian. All I'm asking for is the truth." Lena's voice rose authoritative. "I have to get back to work."
   "I couldn't get to you right away." Marian would try anything to linger beside Lena.
   "I can see that." Lena's response was dry and bemused. She couldn't look Marian's way.
   Marian watched Lena turn, opening the door ready to leave.
   As the door began to open, blood perfumed the air thick and fresh as if this entire unit was painted with flesh blood.
   Swiftly, Marian turned, slamming her body into the nearest wall, far from the door. Marian was aiming for the window, opening it blindly. She needed to mask herself from the desirable scent. Marian could feel her fangs extending, eyes burning from the thirst she craved.
   "Marian," Lena called out to her in hysteria. She turned shitting the door back. Crossing her arms over her chest, Lena walked toward Marian cautiously.
   Marian felt her approach, sneering for Lena to stay back. All her senses focused on a path to any source of blood.
   "Let me at least see--"
   "Lena..." someone out the room shouted for her. They opened the door repeating their words. "Your patient, Mrs. Moravia has flat lined."
   Listening to Lena's heart pace, Marian could almost hear the torn thoughts she was experiencing. "Lena. Go." Briskly, Marian shouted with difficulty, gritting her teeth hard than clamped her fangs into her forearm.
   Lena rushed out.
   This gave Marian time to regroup herself. She needed to pull herself out of this. Her thoughts landed her back to the afternoon. The two humans she drank from. They weren't innocent men but she did not have to kill them.
   The door slammed closed. Marian turned standing up swiftly but not in time to stop the stake from penetrating her abdomen.
   Lucius, groaned toying with Marian psychologically as he dug the wooden stake upward inside her. "You are not capable of stopping me."
   Everything inside Marian felt numb and chiller, her instinct to feed off of anyone in order to live. The pain went from agonizing to a hollow sensation of numbness.
   She grabbed at Lucius arms, trying to pull him away only to have him dig the stake deeper inside her.
   He snapped the stake in half, leaving the other half deep inside.
   "I will have her. And I'll make sure you watch." Lucius head tilted to one side and then grinned mischievous. "I have to go and goodbye for now. Oh...and I need those. Just drank from my grandmother." He took Marian's sun glasses smiling.
   Within seconds he was gone.
   The blood that kept Marian nourished spilled out of her as all humane thoughts slowly dissipated. The urge to feed was only on her mind.
  The door opened again Lena walked through. Marian could hear her heartbeat before seeing Lena.
   She wanted to rip through Lena's veins taking every last drop of her blood. Marian sneered turning her face to Lena as she held her hand against the wall to hold her balance.
   Her eyes were a dark red, fangs fully exposed.
   Lena paused by the door, calling to Marian cautiously. "Marian. Are you...okay?"
   Closing her eyes, Marian mustered all the fight she had to speak. "Please. Go." The fear of harming Lena terrified Marian.
   Lena stepped in closer, never mind the tension caught in Marian's throat. "Your--are you bleeding?"
   She was a half dozen feet from Marian and instead of falling into the trap Lucius set for the both of them, she broke the window in unnatural speed grabbing a piece of glass stabbing herself in the thigh.
   "O my God. Marian." Lena rushed to Marian, panicked. "What the fuck are you doing?"
   Marian flipped on top of her, fangs exposed to Lena. "I said to leave."
   Mika swarmed into the room, yanking Marian off of Lena.
   Lena scrambled away several feet standing. Fear was evident. "What the fuck is going on?" She paced unsure of what she saw.
   Mika knelt over Marian pulling her shirt up.
   From the distance Lena placed between them she rushed back to Marian's side touching her arm.
   "I need to get the doctor."
   Both Marian and Mika sneered no.
   "She's been stabbed." Lena did not care how she felt before. The anger or fear she shown Marian completely dissolved once she saw the state Marian was in. "She needs help."
   "She will be fine," Mika said dismissing Lena.
   "Are you fucking blind. She has something..." Lena pointed to Marian's abdomen for effect..."lunged inside her. She can very well have internal bleeding," Lena retorted.
   Marian mind swirled pass the need to drink from a vein to the need to reassure Lena. Her hand fell on top of Lena's, resting on her thigh. Their eyes linked. Marian knew Lena could see the full change of eye color. The fangs in her mouth were still visible as well.
   It took Lena a moment to keep her eyes steady on Marian.
   Smiling softly through her pain, Marian was thankful Lena did not pull away from her touch.
   Marian found solace staring into the eyes of the woman she could possibly love. The thought of losing Lena was something Marian did not want to face.
   Mika took Marian's distraction as an opportunity to dig in quickly and pull the wooden stake out.
   Blood continued to drizzle out of Marian, a two inch hole in her abdomen. Mika yanked the stake out swiftly, Marian wincing from the pain. Her eyes closed, grimacing with the thought of killing Lucius.
   Lena's hand brushed against Marian's cheek. "I need you to explain what's going on with her." There was compassion in Lena's eyes. "I won't run away and you can't scare me more than some crazy guy stalking me."
   "I can't...see a doctor." Marian stated her words slowly, hoping Lena saw the importance of that. "I will be fine."
   Lena looked from Marian to Mika than nodded. "I'm coming with you."
   "That's not--"
   "She's coming." Marian left no room for argument. No matter what, Mika could not stop Marian on this. Either Lena came with them or Marian left with Lena.
   "Fine." Mika stood, pulling Marian up. "We need to go."
   It took them a few moments to make Marian look descent and they walked out the room together. There was yellow police tap across the door to the room Marian saw the older woman in earlier. From the sight, Marian could see the older woman now dead, her arm draped over the bed, a deep laceration straight across her inner wrist. Blood dripped down into a cup placed under her wrist on the floor.
   A definite sign of murder.
   Mika muttered. "Keep straight and don't falter."
   Marian did what Mika said, Lena grabbing onto her hand.
   "Hey...I know I can get in trouble for this but something came up. I wouldn't leave--"
   "One of your patients was just murdered. The cops will want to talk to you but you seem too distraught to be here."
   The head Charge Nurse, smiled purposely allowing room for Lena to leave.
   They all walked out the hospital quietly and Marian let Mika put her in the back seat of her car Lena trying to climb in back beside her.
   Holding the keys up, Mika said, "you're driving. She can't be back here alone."
   Lena stared confused at Mika. Her attitude was obvious. "She won't be."
   "Lena...please drive." Marian's fangs ached. She was craving blood more by the second. Being close to Lena was too tempting.
   Lena sighed, snatching the keys from Mika's hand. "Once we get to wherever we're going and you're okay, I want the truth."
   Marian nodded. She watched Lena walk to the front and slid over, allowing room for Mika to get in. The situation she was facing made her concerned. Lena saw things; saw Marian in her true form. For now, Marian needed to get back and wing off the desire of human blood. She would get through this. And hopefully with Lena still beside her.

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