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Chapter 3

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"Come on, Ty, let me just see your phone for a second," I pleaded with him. Of all things, Ty was weirdly territorial over his phone. Though, when it came to my privacy, he seemed to care less.

"Why do you want it?"

It was a simple question, yet I felt reluctant to answer. The truth was my best chance of finding out if the mystery number belonged to Sawyer was to type it into Ty's phone. He knew just about everyone and I was almost positive he'd have Sawyer's number. I looked up at Ty and gave him my best puppy dog eyes, pouting my lower lip for an added effect.

"Just answer the question and you can see it," he said.

"What do you have to hide on there that's so bad?" Porter asked.


I cut Ty off. "Don't answer that," I warned him. The last thing I wanted to hear about was Ty's nasty nudes or other weird stuff I suspected him of having on his phone. "I won't look through your messages, I just want to check to see if you have a number."

"You're trying to figure out who sent you that sext, aren't you?"

I nodded my head, confirming his guess.

"Someone sent you a sext?" Porter asked, finally seeming interested enough to look up from his book. His eyes darted between the two of us, his eyebrows raised.

"She has an admirer."

"Oh, whatever, just let me see your phone," I demanded.

Ty reluctantly handed his device over after he unlocked it. I pulled up his contacts and slowly started to type in the number, secretly hoping that I'd come up empty handed. Of course, that would have been too easy. When the full number was typed in the only remaining name confirmed my suspicions.

Sawyer Armstrong

Sawyer fucking Armstrong.

Quickly, I deleted the number and handed the phone back to Ty, trying to act unaffected by my findings. "Whoever sent me this text isn't in your contacts."

"You know, I could find out whose number it is, just give me the digits and—"

I cut Porter off, shaking my head. "I don't really want to know. I'm just going to block it and be done with the whole thing."

"Damn, I was kind of wishing it would have been someone I knew. I wonder how they got your number," Ty said.

Josh frickin' douche bag second basemen, that's how, I thought. Thankfully, the bell rang and I was rescued from having to talk about the text any longer. "I'll meet you guys in second period, I have to go to the office really quick," I said, waving goodbye as I headed off in the direction of the main office.

As a school approved tutor, I had some paperwork to turn in at the beginning of every school year. When I entered the front office, Martha, the receptionist, gave me a friendly wave.

"He's in a meeting but if you wait he'll be out soon," she told me, already knowing what I was here to do.

"Sounds good. Got any candy?" I asked hopefully.

Martha rolled her eyes. "Don't I always?"

She pulled out her bowl of chocolate and I took a handful before sitting down on one of the two waiting chairs. I was just about to ask her how her summer break had been when the entrance door to the front office swung open and Jack walked in. He didn't notice me as he approached Martha, but when she told him to sit and wait he turned in my direction. I ducked my head and looked down at my hands, fidgeting with my fingers as he walked slowly over to the chair beside me. My heart was beating furiously by the time the time he lowered himself into the seat.

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