He breaks up with you

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His POV:

"Hey Gray. I need to talk to you" I heard Ethan talk as he stood by my door and I put my phone done and he came in. "It's about Y/N" He spoke and I smiled at the thought of her, my perfect girlfriend.  "She's uh.. She's cheating on you" He gave me a sad smile and I instantly got angry.

"Excuse me" I spoke and ran out the door and ran to Y/n's, how could she cheat on me after all the times she's told me she loves me?! Did she lie? "Y/n open the door" I spoke as I knocked on the door and she opened it and smiled letting me in. She was home alone.

"Hey Gray how are y-" She started and I just let all my anger go.
"How dare you fucking cheat on me?!" I shouted and she stepped back a bit with a confused expression on her face.

"I didn't I-" Again I cut her off.

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME! YOU CHEATED ON ME AFTER ALL THE TIMES YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME WELL GUESS WHAT. I DON'T LOVE YOU, WE'RE OVER. NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN" I screamed and tears rolled down both our faces but Y/n cowered away in the corner, I didn't mean to scare her.

"Gray..Wait, I swear I didn't c-cheat on you, I only love you and you know that" She spoke with soft eyes but I wasn't having any of it.

"Bullshit, like I said never speak to me again, I hate you" And with that I walked out leaving her to cry alone. Great.. I'll see her at school tomorrow.
*A month later*
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I really don't want to see Y/n at all today or ever again but school has to fucking ruin it. I got up and got dressed before leaving to go to school. We had English first and I sit next to..her. Great.

"Y/n?" Mr Wilkins called her name on the register and that's when I noticed she wasn't here, I asked her friends where she was, yes I may hate her slightly but that stop me for caring, they told me they haven't spoke to her for a month and it worried me because I broke up with her last month.

I carried on my day moping slightly just hoping she's okay, I still love her.. I can't hate her I know I say I do but I don't. I need her.. I need to know if she's okay. Ethan walked over to me with a sad expression on his face and I started to become more worried than I already was. What he told me next made me want to kill him.

"Gray, uh we need to talk" He whispered and I nodded walking with him to the empty cafeteria. "Y/n uh.. Y/n didn't cheat on you" He confessed and I felt my heart break knowing I hurt the girl I love but anger washed over me knowing my own brother lied to me.

"Why did you say she did then" I tried to keep calm as he looked down embarrassed and ashamed. "Well, are you going to answer me or what?"I spoke louder and he looked at me.

"I just got jealous.." He confessed and I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I just..I really like her and I don't know, I'm really sorry" I didn't say anything again and he looked at me with puppy dog eyes until I forgave him.

"It's fine just.. I need to go and talk to Y/n" I whispered and ran to her house but when I did I saw an ambulance and I started to become worried and then I saw her being wheeled into the ambulance with a bandage wrapped around her wrist. No no no no please don't say she cut..


There you go guys 💕 part 2?

Word count: 675

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now