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❝Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel.❞

THE SOUND of the radio was cut short, the white noise echoing around him as he placed the cup in the cup holder and furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity.

The night was dull, the cold winter air nipped at his cheeks the moment he stepped outside the warm humble home and towards his sheriff's car. The moon was shining brightly in the sky, the stars twinkling in it's shadow. Sheriff Stilinski had pulled out of the driveway, leaving his loving son and down the street towards his parole.

But everything changed the moment the radio was cut short, the static coming from the other end of the walkie. The deputies voice was a big alarming, like he'd seen something he couldn't come back from. Which he had.

That night, when Deputy Parrish strolled into the home with slight apprehension, he was appalled. Sick to the stomach at the gory mess that had been created in the room. Deputy Parrish didn't know that, walking into the room and witnessing such a sick and cold blooded murder would be the start of something so tretorous and bone chilling.

No one did.

° ° ° °

HER STRAIGHT strawberry blonde hair was sprawled out across the pillow, her legs tangled in his as she clenched onto the sheets beside her, her eyes fluttering shut in absolute pleasure. Jacksons soft lips trailed down her collarbone, his fingers tracing her thigh as he did so.

The music was playing softly in the background as she let go of the white sheet and placed her hands on his face, tugging him up towards her. Their lips locked in a feverish kiss as his body grinded against hers perfectly.

Hands sliding against their hot skin, Lydia's pale fingers tangled into his short, perfect blonde hair and she pulled her lips from his, leaving a tingling sensation before she flipped them over and pressed them against his neck, trailing down to his bare, fit chest.

With a groan of annoyance, Lydia and Jackson pulled away and looked at the clock that was playing the soft music beside them.

HIS BROWN eyes looked into the reflection of the mirror, his lips softly humming to the music playing in the background as he swiveled his hips and pumped his head to the beat. He tightened his grip on the toothbrush, bringing it to his mouth as he belted the music and turned away from the mirror, his sock clad feet sliding into the other room as he did so.

The brunette furrowed her eyes with amusement as his hand slid across his bare chest and he did an odd motion with his body. It jerked, spinning and moving in odd directions as he continued to blare the music out loud.

"Scott," Allison laughed, shaking her head in second hand embarrassment. "Please stop!"

The boy shook his head, throwing the toothbrush onto the bed and launching himself forward also. His body soared through the air and came crashing down onto the bed, making Allison bounce up with it, her falling onto her back as she did so.

She laughed, loud. The melodic music enough to drown out the music as she did so. Scott only smiled, propping himself up one elbow beside her as he gazed down at the laughing beauty.

Allison immediately stopped laughing, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion as she did so. "What?" She asked, noticing his sudden change in attitude.

The smile never left Scott's face as he shook his head and leaned forward, pressing his lips softly against hers. But suddenly, with slight shock they pulled away, their attention turning to the desk where the radio sat.

HE LOOKED intensely at the computer in front of him, his fingers moving across the keyboard at a quick pace, trying so desperately to finish his assignment before tomorrow morning. With a sigh, he slammed his hands down on the keyboard and pushed his chair away from the desk in frustration.

With the help of his feet, he spun across the floor towards his bed where his clock lay. Reaching forward, he turned the switch on, the music from the local radio station blaring through the speakers as he sighed in slight content and leaned back in his chair before he pushed himself back towards the desk.

Stiles was fed up with his assignment, wanting nothing more than to be doing something third wheeling Scott and Allison.

His eyes shut, his head resting against the desk as he tried to destress, but suddenly, his attention was ripped away from the task at hand as he turned his head back towards the clock.

SHE SPED down the street, her hands clutching the steering wheel with concern. Eyebrows furrowed together, teeth clenched down on her lip as she tugged at the skin nervously.

The wet street didn't help her never ending anxiety as she pressed her foot down on the pedal more, the car jerking forward a bit. Her eyes flickered up to the mirror and she looked behind her as she felt her body relax a bit.

She hadn't had a single clues as to where she was going, but she had to leave that horrific place behind as quickly as possible. The bags were placed everywhere in the back seat, an absolute mess that didn't ease the underlying fear that she would get caught.

With trembling hands, she wiped away at the stray tears and smudged makeup and leaned forward, her hand pressing against the radio as music softly blared around her. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, the darkness of the night not giving much help, but in the distance she could see it.

A large green sign was up ahead, with "Welcome to Beacon Hills, California!" Written neatly across it. As her car passed the sign, she sighed, realizing she was miles away from that place.

But her fear was suddenly replaced once again when the radio cut out around her.

And just like that, the radio turned to the white noise, all the teenagers attention turned towards it in annoyance. But what shook them next was what was they could make out in the fizzing static around them.

"You............ are.......... next..........."

- - - -


Credit goes to oldschoolyardgames on youtube! It's widely based off her trailer.

I messaged her on tumblr and she gave me permission to write the story, so please, no copying. (not like anyone wouldn't want to, it's shit)

Anyways, this is an AU so all OG characters (not malia, liam, kira, mason, theo, etc.) + parrish and an OC. But it's set when they are a bit older because tbh buzzcut stiles and puppy dog scott make me very uncomfortable.

Each chapter will be a different character's point of view because I thought it would be interesting. So the first few chapters will be before the big murder. THEN it jumps into the murder because there will be a bonus POV every once in awhile which is the murderer. (so in other words, the first few chapters may be a bit...bland, but we need to build on it.)

Exciting stuff woo!!

Moving on, let me know what you think!

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