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❝and I know that somewhere inside that cold,
lifeless exterior there's an actual human soul.❞

HER PERFECTLY curled strawberry blonde hair bounced with each step she took. The sound of her heels hitting the polished floor as kids stopped their conversations to sneak a glance at the queen bee herself. Lips pressed together in a small pout, her hand held at her side as she gripped her book and purse.

She didn't dare avert her gaze to anyone else's as she strut down the hallway. For, Lydia Martin didn't want anyone to think that one mere glance would give them the slight chance at receiving an invitation to her party.

Lydia Martin had made it perfectly clear that it was indeed, once again, invite only. That meaning that only the most popular, prestige, well dressed people were invited to show up and have a good time. But of course, that didn't mean that when she was a bit tipsy, - which she planned on being, no matter what the circumstances were - the guest list would grow a bit bigger than before.

She didn't care when drunk. But honestly, who did?

With a purse of her lips once more, she flipped her hair behind her shoulder and raised an eyebrow as she came to a slow stroll towards the blue locker ahead. She pressed her palm flat against the locker and let her plump, lipstick clad lips curl into her infamous smirk.

"So tell me Allison," She started, startling the brunette. "Will you be attending the most talked about party of the school year? You know, considering it's your best friend throwing it." Her eyes furrowed for a second, her eyes twinkling with innocence.

Allison sighed, her hand removing from her heart and looked down at the short strawberry blonde with an apologetic glance, opening her mouth to muster up some excuse.

Lydia lifted her hand immediately to silence the girl, her eyes shutting in annoyance. "You promised you would come to this party Allison, if I hear the words Scott McCall come out of your mouth I won't hesitate to slap you."

Allison let out another sigh, "It's just...I promised I'd help him study for our Math test on Monday."

"Okay one, studying is never studying with you both. Two, it doesn't matter if he flunks the test on Monday because he is just a wannabe bench warmer lacrosse player. And three, I am your best friend Allison!" Lydia said, her eyes flying open and her mouth clenching a bit.

"Well maybe if you gave him an invitation, I'd be a little more open to showing up to my best friends party." Allison fired back, reaching into her locker to grab her books.

With a slam of the locker, Lydia jumped but quickly composed herself, "No."

"Give me one good reason why you won't invite your best friends boyfriend!"

"Stop using the best friend card on me, that's my move Allison." Lydia said, her hand linking into hers as they walked towards her locker. "If I invite Scott then people will think that I am....soft for people like him. Lydia Martin doesn't allow benchwarmers to her elite and prestige party!"

Allison scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Lydia, we are talking about a highschool party. Who cares if one benchwarmer comes?"

"Me!" Lydia said quickly, her eyes wide. "Plus, wherever your puppy dog boyfriend goes, so does his other not cute puppy dog friend goes."

"What? Stiles?" Allison questioned with a small laugh, "Oh come on Lyds, it's just two people. Plus, you are the one that said I had to go."

Lydia's eyes squinted as she stopped at her locker. Her fingers tightening against the lock as she took in a slow, shaky breath as she scolded herself for even considering the thought of letting Scott McCall and his lost friend into her party, let alone house.

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