To Trust or Not to Trust (Merlin Fanfic)

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As Duke slowly plodded through the forest, I started to notice how much everything was preparing itself for aumtumn: the trees were burning with their new orange, red and yellow leaves, squirrels were running around the tree trunks in a haste to collect nuts and a strong breeze was starting to stir up. I smiled, breathing in the woodland scents.

When I reached the river, I noticed that it was starting to narrow down. I dismounted and tied Duke to a nearby tree and opened up the flask that Gaius had given me. Bending down, I dipped it in the cold water, shivering at its frosty touch. Once I knew it was full, I stood up and turned, doing the top up. As I looked up, a figure was leaning against the tree Duke was tied to. He was gently stroking my horse's nose which he seemed to enjoy. I gasped in surprise and almost dropped the flask with clumsy hands. The figure looked at me, his gorgeous ocean blue eyes sparkling.

"Am I honestly that scary?" Merlin asked.

I smiled, letting out a breath and shook my head. "No," I answered, walking up to him innocently. "Just..." I thought for a moment. "Surprising."

He smiled. "Really?" he asked, sounding slightly hopeful.

I grinned as I approched Duke, tying the flask to the saddle. "Nah," I said, smiling at him.

His smile seemed to fade a little, and I chuckled a little bit. Duke nuzzled Merlin's hand as though reasurring him. Merlin grinned, seeming to notice and patted his brown neck. "Don't worry," he muttered to him. "I'll get her back somehow."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "How?" I questioned, placing my hands on my hips.

Merlin grinned. "Binne tófléon," he muttered, his eyes flashing yellow.

My eyes widened as I was gently pushed backwards by absolutely nothing and pinned against a tree. I struggled, trying to fight the invisible force. I looked at Merlin as though fearful that he may hurt me. He just smiled and came closer.

"What are you up to now?" I asked, though it sounded more demanding than I wanted it to be. Worried that he might be under a spell of some sort, I pressed my back into the tree.

He chuckled slightly and looked down before looking back up at me. His eyes. They were perfect. My knees felt weak slightly as I stared into those blue orbs. I suddenly blinked and averted my eyes away from his, concious that I was starting to lean up to him.

He chuckled slightly again, his face close to mine. "What are you scared of?" he asked me gently, stroking my cheek, leaving a trail of heat after it.

I looked at the leafy carpet below our feet. Scared to trust someone again, I thought.

But I do want to trust you. It's just that I'm scared. Oh, how I wanted to tell him those words, tell him why I couldn't trust another person, why I couldn't love again. My chest heaved with a sigh.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw him smile. "I can understand," he said, as though reading my thoughts. I blinked in surprise and looked at him. Oh yeah, that's right. Sorcerers can read minds. He took a step back and I felt the invisible barrier dissolve.

I looked at him and he shrugged. "I can understand," he repeated.

I took a step towards him, the leaves crinkling below my feet. "Merlin, I don't -"

I was cut off. Lip to lip. Body to body. Heart to heart. He was kissing me. I looked at Duke, just visible over Merlin's shoulder, who had turned his handsome head to look at us. I then realised that this was reality and not just a dream. I closed my eyes and kissed back, sure he wasn't under a spell. He tenderly placed his hands on my hips which made me decide it was safe to rest my hands across his shoulders and behind his neck. It felt like everything around us had stopped: the wind, the river, the dancing leaves, everything.

The young warlock pulled away after a moment. A long moment. We were both breathing quite heavily. "Sorry," he apologised through his breathing.

I shook my head and smiled at him. "Don't be," I told him.

Suddenly, a thud hit the tree behind me, making me curse silently under my breath. Merlin pulled me closer to him, protecting me. I looked over my shoulder. An arrow had hit the tree I had been pinned to. My gaze swung to a leafy hill that overlooked the small river. A broad figure stood on it. Arthur.

"Merlin, can you stop pretending to be a lovebird and polish my sword for me?" he moaned. He laid his bow across his shoulder as he looked at us. "And Anna, if I were you I'd get back before Gaius wondered where you got to."

I smiled and shook my head, rolling my eyes. I could tell Merlin was frowning as he let out a deep sigh, making me giggle a little. I looked back at Arthur who was turning away, shaking his head.

Turning my head upwards, I looked at Merlin. "Did you want a lift back?" I offered, smiling kindly.

He smiled. "Thanks," he said and kissed the top of my head before turning round and walking towards Duke.

I chuckled and shook my head, following him as my bay horse lifted his head and let out a small nicker towards us. "Yes, I know," I said to him as I neared his head, putting a hand under his muzzle with one hand whilst stroking his ear with my other. "We got more than we bargined for."

Merlin, who was just about to mount him, turned his head and looked at me, grinning. "I've said already I'll get you back," he chuckled.

I grinned. "Oh, but you have," I said, hoping up and swinging myself onto the front of the saddle.

Merlin mounted too, sitting himself behind me. "Oh really?" he whispered in my ear, making me shiver slightly. "And hows that?"

I smiled and turned my head and looked over my shoulder at him. "By winning me over."

Before he could say anything else, I urged Duke on who moved into a smooth yet fast canter. Merlin hugged me from behind in fear of falling off, making me laugh.

Prehaps I could trust him with my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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