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I slowly opened my eyes, to find there was a ceiling above me.

I sat up gently and noticed I was in what looked like a hospital room.

I furrowed by brow in confusion.

But.. What happened to Sei, Rai, and Elegance?

More importantly, the Soulstealer?

"Right here." It called out.

"So you decided to roam free while I was unconcious. Great." I said sarcastically.

"Since you weren't going to feed me I decided to take the matter into my own hands." The Soulstealer informed.

"Please tell me you were careful enough to avoid 'feeding' from anyone near here." I replied, slightly worried.

I mean, if anything weird happened to people around here, who'd they suspect?

The mysterious girl in the bingo book with an interesting background.

In other words, me.

"I'm not an idiot. I took extra care to go away from here and satisfy myself." It grinned.

"Why come back then? You could've left me forever. You had complete control since I was unconcious." I questioned.

"First of all, I am not strong enough to just leave you forever and roam free. Second of all, you would've died, and I can't have a host die on me when I can't even survive on my own yet." 

"So you need me then?" I commented boredly, only a hint of satisfaction in my voice.

"Don't go thinking you're all high and mighty now. You're only needed until I find another host or if I'm strong enough to break free from you and survive on my own. I doubt I'd break free since it takes almost all of my energy. So for now, you may be a little less than perfect in just about everything you do." It said smugly.


"That's not very nice." It noted.

"Must you always have the last word?" I grumbled lightly.

"Of course. It makes you seem as if you aren't strong enough to take the last word in a conversation. And that gives me pure joy." The Soulstealer snickered.

"You are one weird monster." I added, trying to get the last word.


With that, the conversation ended.

Sighing slightly, I saw the light coming through the blinds.

It was about.. 12:00 in the afternoon.

The door to the room slid open and I maintained a stoic expression.

A nurse entered the room, shuffling her papers on her clipboard.

She looked pretty young, maybe 27.

The nurse had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a warm smile, apparently directed at me.

"Oh. You're awake miss..." The cheerful nurse quickly scanned her papers for my name.

"Fallen." I murmured.

"Hm?" She looked up, attention on me.

"My name's Fallen, Akarui." I addressed her, eyeing her name tag.

"You've got a good eye! Well, I shouldn't expect less from a ninja." She winked.

I remained silent.

"Anyways, your case is quite unusual. When you arrived here, you had a scratch just under your eye and a couple fingers were dislocated," Akarui started.

I moved my fingers, first from the left , then form my right hand.

Nothing hurt at all.

I gently touched under my eye, feeling a barely noticiable indent in my skin.

'Must've been the scratch.'

"But, nothing feels weird." I muttered, not liking the feeling of confusion.

"That's the unusual part. It's like someone healed you. Or, part of you." She gestured at my eye.

"Huh." Was all I came up with.

"Although this is a very thought-provoking case, we have orders from the Hokage to let you join your team on their current mission. An ANBU will escort you to where you need to go." She smiled, a hint of suspicion lingered in her eyes.

Well, if I was her, I'd be suspicious too.

I slid out of bed to find I was in a hospital gown.

Thankfully, it wasn't exposed from the back.

"Oh yeah! Almost slipped from my mind, your clothes are in the cabinet towards the left. Do you need any help getting dressed?" Akarui asked.

"I'm fine but thanks for offering." I answered.

"No prob! If you feel as if anything is wrong or you get hurt again just ask for me!" Akarui replied happily.

"Sure thing." I whispered, taking note of the underlying meaning in her words.

Without another word, she left the room and I was alone.

Taking one long step to cabinet I opened it to find something different from what I'd usually wear.

A deep blue v-neck shirt was paired with some black sweatpants and deep blue ninja shoes.

There was a ninja headband -the regular blue ones- tied around the stomach of the shirt, secured with a few barely noticable safety pins. 

I put on the shirt, realizing it was a bit baggy near my arms and the length went past my lower back.

Shrugging it off, I slipped on the sweatpants, with them reaching just a bit above my ankles.

Then came the shoes.

They were a little tight, but fit just enough I guess.

My hair was slightly tousled, considering I've been unconcious for who knows how long.

I widened my eyes but then relaxed.

I shouldn't worry about Sei and Rai.

I mean, they're smart enough not to die, right?

Well, that's what I'll keep telling myself until they show up.

A knock was heard at the door and then it opened, revealing an ANBU.

"My escort, I presume?" I said indifferently, trying to maintain my normal behavior.

"Yes. Before I take you to your team, would you like to go to your home and grab your weapons? I see you don't have your kunai pouch." The ANBU offered.

The voice sounded like a girl's, so I think this one is a girl.

"Yeah, I think I'd need that on a mission." I answered.

"Not likely. This week will be all lower rank missions, I mean, you guys are just starting out right?" The ANBU continued.

"You could say that.. Any chance I could pretend I'm sick and skip out on them?" I asked hopefully.

"No, but believe me I felt the same way when I was a Genin. And Chunin. These missions, although they may seem worthless, you learn alot." The ANBU reminded, a hint of laughter in her voice.

I sighed and let her lead me out of the room.

Wonder what boring mission we'll be assigned first.

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