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Piper McLean

When I first met you, you were called 'Piper Rukia McLean', and we bonded over our mutual love of One Direction and Selena Gomez. It's so strange that both of us grew out of that boyband now. It's kind of like we saw each other's 'phases' and went through them together.

When I got to know you better and better, you resembled Piper McLean more and more. You had the same beautiful way of calming someone down, your words played the same reassuring role whenever they needed to. You might as well could have charmspeak. When I was having a panic attack, or I was simply crying my eyes out, you sent me paragraphs and paragraphs about everything good in life. Sure, all my other friends did that too, but the way you played your words was extremely reassuring. Your words had the intended effect.

Like Piper, you are unsure of yourself sometimes. You're insecure. But also like Piper, you are a hero. You might wonder "What've I done to be called a hero?" and the answer to that is: you listened. Not only to me, but you listened to all those other friends too. You helped them when they needed it and you were the first person they came to for advice back in the old days. That seems like centuries ago, but it was only around 3 years ago.

You are the Piper McLean of the real world. You play an important role. Without you, some people couldn't fight off the merciless cold goddess who brings nothing but misery. Without you, it'd be impossible to shut sadness up. Even though your own doubts swim in your mind, you always erase other's doubts first. You love and listen, and that's one of the most important things.

You have a crucial role in the world, and you're playing it nicely. I hope you never forget that. Without you, the world would not be the same. My world would not be the same.

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