Triplet Trouble.

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An obnoxious knocking woke Aidy out of her candy themed dream, as well as an overly cheery voice shouting, "Up, up, up! It's going to be a big day!" Aidy rolled over, grasping her alarm clock. It was four thirty AM.

Utterly annoyed, Aidy rolled out of her extraordinarily comfortable bed and slipped into her dressing gown and slippers. Her hair was mussed, and her eyes were bagged, but you could still tell very clearly just by the aura she gave off that she was extremely angry. She marched to the door, yanking it open to find Gilderoy Lockhart, dressed in a ridiculous powder blue suit.

"Ah, you're awake! Although, it definatly looks like someone did not get their beauty-"

"Professor, it is half past four in the morning!" Aidy hissed, her temper rising. "Go back to bed, and come back and wake me up at a more reasonable hour." she slammed the door in his face, curling back up in bed. She drew the hangings of her scarlet four poster shut, but not before she surveyed the room.

Aidy Imagined that the room itself was not unlike the Slytherin dorms; it was dark, cold, but strangely soothing as the water of the black lake lapped against her windows. The room was hexagonally shaped, with her bed against one wall, the door to her bedroom in another. Next to her bed was Felix's little cushion, which the cat was currently curled up upon. Against another of the six walls was a gold and glass cabinet, a Christmas gift from Severus the previous year that was filled with large bottles and small vials. This cabinet (Which remained locked at all times) also displayed the silver medal she received when she had obtained the order of Merlin. On the opposite wall sat her large closet, and next to that was her vanity. The last wall contained a door that led into her own bathroom. 

A few hours later, Aidy woke up at a much more reasonable time; around six in the morning. Literally rolling out of her bed, She hit the floor and easily, and with a grace that few possess, began to flow into a series of stretches, contorting her body with ease. With care, she held herself upside down, her feet sticking straight into the air and sweat pouring down her face as she allowed herself to shift onto her feet.

She laid out a set of indigo robes with gold cuffs, the Hogwarts crest printed on the left breast and the Gyrffindor crest on the right, and totted to the bathroom to wash the sweat off of her skin. After drying herself with a fluffy towel, she slipped into her undergarments and clothes. She pulled her wet hair up into a shiny, large bun, setting her hat over it, and decided to head to breakfast early, despite the fact that term didn't begin until the next day.

She shuffled out of her bedroom, mentally deciding that she would begin brewing the Hospital Wing's stock of potions that day. She carefully made her way up to the ground floor of Hogwarts, working her way out of the dungeons. She finally came to the top step of the castle, and instead of the teacher's table, she sat down at the Gryffindor table. She hated her living arrangements, but it was refreshing to not have to walk up all of the stairs to her dorm. She also appreciated that her robes, which buttoned from neck to foot, hid the fact that she was wearing her leotard, leggings, and tights under them.

Instantly, stacks of toast and eggs appeared before her. She smiled, digging in and filling her stomach with the fabulous foods. Right after she finished, she noted Kelly standing alone, just outside of the Great Hall.

"Kelly!" she called. The small brunette whiled around, smiling at the voice of her younger friend. Aidy got to her feet, walking over to her.

"Kells!" Another voice called. A boy that had Kelly's hair color came running from the stairs, wearing a Ravenclaw tie and a huge smile. An older girl came after him, not wearing her uniform, preferring instead to wear a fifties inspired outfit. When she got closer, Aidy saw that the older girl had Kelly's eyes. Both stopped when they saw their sister standing with a professor, looking at Aidy warily. Kelly nodded, and their smiles reappeared and they ran down the stairs to greet her. They nearly tackled her, sending all three siblings to the floor. They collapsed in giggles, and Aidy shifted her weight awkwardly. Kelly stood, brushing herself off.

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