~You're Beautiful~ Yumichika x Insecure!Reader

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Everyone on squad 11 were male besides you and Yachiru. This caused lots of ridicule, which Ikkaku and Yumichika dissaproved of. So they always stood up for you, by that I mean, Yumichika would yell at them and Ikkaku would kick there ass.

You never shared these insecurities and feelings with anyone. You didn't want to feel weak. You didn't want people to worry or pity you. But you needed to tell Yumichika about how he's so confident, you needed to know how he did it, maybe it could help you. You didn't want to feel this way anymore. Time to talk to Yumi.

You walked to the sparring area in the squad 11 barracks, Ikkaku was fighting fellow squad members as the male you were looking for watched silently. Ikkaku in one fell swoop, he hit the man in the side with the wooden sword and swept him off his feet and he tumbled to the ground with a groan.

"Tch. You left your guard open way too many times." The bald man said, almost scolding the squad member. Ignoring what was going on over there as the random squad member was apologizing and promising to do better next time, you sat next to Yumichika on his spot on the ground.

"Oh hello, (Name)! What brings such a beautiful lady like you here at this time? I normally don't see you around here for another hour!" He babbled on but you blanked out, he rambled on about how beautiful you looked today, but you didn't want to hear it, you didn't believe it, even knowing you were on of the most beautiful women in the soul society, next to Rangiku.

"Yumichika." You said as you cut him off. He stopped talking dead in his tracks and straightened his posture and responded with a confused and questioning look.

"What is it, (Name)?" Those words flowed through his soft lips that you couldn't turn away from. You clicked back into reality as Yumichika was waiting for you respond. "I need to talk to you, Yumichika. It's an important question. But can we.. uh. Go somewhere more private..?" You asked as you fiddled with your hands, you looked and were nervous.

"Of course." He said, standing up, tucking his dark hair behind his ear and helping you up. He turned to Ikkaku, who was getting ready for another spar, and said, "I'll be right back, Ikkaku." He nodded as you guys turned your backs and headed outside to the side of the building. Your nervousness was getting more and more intense at every step you took.

A thought popped into your head, 'do I look okay? Shit. ' You thought as you ejusted your shirt and pat down your (H/C) hair, to make sure it wasn't frizzy. You got to a good spot, away from the others and sat down nervously and the 5th seater sat next to you, crossing his legs criss cross applesauce style.

"What is it that you needed to talk about, (Name)?" He asked, ejusting his hair and sitting up a little bit and brushing off any dirt that was on his bottom, from his previous spot in the sparring area.

"How are you so confident all the time, Yumi?" You asked, while not looking at him. He seemed slightly surprised by your question, it definently caught him off gaurd.

"That's such a silly question, (Name). Why would you like to know? You are very gorgeous, if your getting at the issue that you feel unhappy with your appearance, that is very silly." He said, it made you frown. You started to stand up to walk away and pretend that this conversation never happened but, his hand quickly grabbed yours and he pulled you close to him in a sweet embrace and said next to your ear with a sweet smile, "It's silly because such a beautifully designed womam shouldn't feel though that she is none of the truth." You layed you're head on his shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you, Yumi." You closed you (E/C) orbs and melted into the gentle embrace of the man who was in your head constantly. He seperate from the hug and went face to face with you. He quietly pressed his lips softly against yours for a quick second and said the words that will always ring in your head for the rest of your life.

"You're beautiful and I speak nothing but the truth towards you." He caressed your face with his pale hand and planted another kiss but on your cheek, and you let a smile appear on your lips as he gave him one back. He pressed his forehead against yours and said, "I could stare into your beautiful face forever and never get tired of it."

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