Thunderstorms (OLD STORY)

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((My second favorite ship!! #ameripan!! Btw, I'm going to try to remember that Japan says "r" in place of "l"))

*Japan's POV*

America dashed into his shared town house in NYC, loudly belting out the words to the song "Yankee Doodle." As he pranced into the kitchen, a bag of groceries in his hand, Japan looked up from the table. "Why must he be so loud?..."

  He lifted a hand in greeting. "Herro America-san," he sighed. "Duuuude, hey dude!! Hey, what did I tell you about that whole "-San" thingy? No need to be so formal broski! At least you didn't bow this time, AHHAHAHA!!", he said loudly, laughing at the end. Japan stared for a second. "...Ok."

America laughed once more and began to put the groceries up. "What'd ya do while I was gone??" Japan sighed and set down a manga. "I sensed the air, I watched your traumatic news, I ate food, I read manga. I know you had schedured a jog tonight, but I sense a storm in the air." America stiffened slightly. "A... A storm?"

"Hai. Thunder, rightning, wind, rain. A storm, America-San." America frowned. "Dude, again with the 'san' thing." Japan sighed softly. "I aporogize." America nodded, cleared his throat, and continued to put stuff in the fridge. "It's cool dude. I just don't want you to feel like you have to treat me like a business partner. I mean, c'mon, we're best buds!!" Japan smiled a bit. "I understand, America."

  The American smiled widely and walked over to the living room, plopping down on the couch in front of the tv. Japan decided he might as well go in the same room as his loud friend, so he stood up, stretched, and walked into the living room with his manga in hand. America was skimming around channels, and stopped once he got to the news. They were currently talking about the weather.

  "...In New York City and other small areas nearby, there will be a high chance of thunderstorms tonight. We recommend that people stay indoors, to avoid being injured by anything caught in those high winds, or by lightning. Roads will be slick, so be careful if you're driving anywhere. Now, back to Natasha about the family who claimed a 'sewer gator' climbed through their toilet...." Japan rolled his eyes. "Sewer gator! America-san... Er, I mean, America: isn't that one of the craziest things you've ever heard?" 

  There was no reply from the American, so Japan looked up from his manga over to his friend. America seemed a bit pale, and he simply stared down in his lap. "America?", Japan said, frowning. The younger nation quickly looked up, eyes wide. "Huh? Oh, what dude?" Japan tilted his head. "Everything arright?" America nodded quickly and plastered on a smile. "Yeah dude! Just, uh... Sewer gators... Sounds scary, right?"

  Japan narrowed his eyes. "....Sure. You making dinner tonight?" America nodded, and smiled wider. "Yep! You want burgers or frozen pizza?" Japan sighed. "Neither?...", he thought.

  "I'rr have the frozen pizza, America."


  About an hour later, America and Japan were sitting at the table eating their pizza. America had already eaten three slices and was going on his fourth. Japan was halfway through with his first. When Japan finished his, he pushed the plate away. "I am finished." America raised an eyebrow. "Just one piece?"

  Japan sighed. "I am on a diet, remember America?" America snorted. "Oh yeah! Diets- blegh!" The nation quickly finished his eighth slice, which happened to be the last slice in the pizza. He frowned slightly, shrugged, and threw their plates in the dishwasher.

  Of course, somehow after that America convinced Japan to watch a movie with him. Thankfully it wasn't a scary one... Just Superman. Japan glanced over at the nation, whose eyes were glued to the screen. He was leaning forward, shoving popcorn in his mouth every few seconds. Suddenly, in the distance, there was a low rumble of thunder. Japan glanced up, and then back at America, who hadn't even seemed to notice. Either that, or he didn't care.

  Then, while the credits were going, Japan heard the thunder again, but closer and louder. This time, America's head jerked up, and he instantly snuggled closer to his friend. Japan pushed himself away from the clingy nation. "America, get off! What are you doing?" America frowned and looked away. "Nothin...", he mumbled. Japan rolled his eyes. "Did the thunder startre you?" America nodded and smiled slightly, looking sheepish. "Yeah, that's it! It just caught me off guard. Of course, I'm the hero, so-"

A blinding light flashed through he window, and not even a millisecond later, thunder crashed through the house. The tv shut off with a *pop*, along with all the lights. Japan jumped slightly, but America screamed loudly, and tackled his Japanese friend. "Ah! America-san! Ret go of me!!" A whimper came from the nation wrapped around his waist, and Japan noticed that the American was trembling. Japan frowned.

"America?..." The younger nation whimpered again and snuggled closer as a loud clap of thunder echoed throughout the pitch black house. Japan attempted to sit up, and America scooted backwards slightly. "J-Japan dude, I can't see you, it's dark, where-" Japan sighed and reached back out to America. "I'm right here. I'm pretty sure we're on the froor next to the couch." America sniffled. "O-oh."

Japan ran a hand through the American's hair. "So, you're scared of thunder?" He could practically see the nation cringing in front of him. "...Yeah... Maybe a little bit..." Japan chuckled and began to stand up, only to be caught in another bone-crunching hug as thunder rumbled again.

"Agh- America! Prease ret me stand up!" America reluctantly let go, and Japan stood up, grabbing his phone from his back pocket. He turned on the phone flashlight, which revealed a shaking, tear-streaked America on the floor. Japan sighed. "Come now, stand up." America stood up, flinching as thunder cracked.

"How about we go into the bedroom and try to rest?" America nodded, and suddenly grabbed Japan's hand. "Japan?..."

"Yes, Arfred?"

The nation sniffled. "I'm scared..." Japan gave his hand a squeeze. "I know. But it is arright." Japan led America to his bedroom, and America sat down on the edge of the bed. Japan turned away and began to walk off. "Good night, sreep werr-" He broke off as he heard America whimper. "Wait... Keeks... Can you sleep in here?... P-please?"

Japan sighed loudly. "I... Fine." He climbed into bed with America, wishing he could change into something more sleep-appropriate. America snuggled under the blankets, grabbing a pillow. Japan stiffened as America pressed against him as another rumble of thunder rolled away in the distance, but then relaxed.

The sound of rain against the window was strangely soothing, and America was soon nearly asleep (Thankfully!). "Hey Keeks?...", he mumbled.

"Yes, America?"

"Thanks... For everything. You're a great friend." Japan smiled softly and relaxed even more into the sleepy form next to him. "You are wercome, America. Now, good night." America was silent for a moment before mumbling, "G'night..." Soon, he was fast asleep.

Japan lightly kissed the younger nation on the forehead. "Have good dreams, my America."

((That was kind of crappy... Oh well! YAYAYYAAY AMERIPAN! 🇺🇸🇯🇵 Please vote, comment, and check out my other stories! Thank you 😘💕))

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