~Into The Woods~

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As the group of friends rode along the gravel road, shotgun decided it would be a good idea to change the music, that was until a blond beauty with golden eyes hit the red head saying,
"Driver picks the song and shotgun shuts his cake hole." The blond gave a smug look, as the red head retracted his hand, through his rolled down window he pat the outside of the impala.
"Don't worry baby, no ones gonna touch you, else I'll shank them. Ya hear that Grell?" The red head nodded his head hastily.
"The worst thing is, he'd probably do it." Said a ginger and black haired boy in the backseat.
"Yes, quite unruly." Said an annoyed raven haired male with glasses. The blonde sighed,
"Ya know, technically your all shotgun in my impala and I said SHOTGUN SHUTS HIS CAKE HOLE!!!!" Everything went quiet. The blonde smiled as he pulled up in a small village-like town. He got out of the car along with the others.
"Who's hungry?" He questioned.
A chorus of 'me's' broke out, but one voice stood above the rest.
"I'm hungry for some Bassy!" Grell squealed. The said person, 'Bassy' gave him a glare. The blonde stood in front of the others, with his blue brother by his side, as he stared at a cafe, his eyes on a sign the said 'Today's Special: Steak Pie' He licked his lips.
"Anyone for pie?" His brother immediately agreed, too timid to disagree.
"I suppose, but it won't be as good as Bassy..." Said the red head.
"No thanks" Said two raven haired fiends in unison.
"Okay, let's go. You two can just sit there." The blond looked at the two raven haired fellows who hated each other.
"Now, let's get some pie!" He shouted, running into the cafe, leaving the others in the dirt. As soon as they were done eating they walked straight out to rent a room at a dusty old motel.
"Bill, you might not have enough money" Stated Grell.
"I'm sure a few handsome men, like ourselves, can snake their way in." Bill, the blonde with golden eyes, had soon worked his charms on the brunette female with coffee brown eyes and a large jumper on, at the till.
Grell nudged Bill as he got the key and giggled. The blond sighed and let them to their room talk about their day, Bill mostly talked about his Impala or 'Baby' as he said.
"Ronald, did you hear the rumour in the cafe?" Grell asked.
The ginger soon replied,"the one about the forest? Yes. I also heard that a few people are going in tomorrow."
The two looked at the blonde.
"I don't see the harm in going." He shrugged.
Bill's eyes looked at his brother,"you okay with that, Will?
Will the, pastel blue haired boy, nodded in response.
"Good now you guys get some rest, busy day tomorrow." The group all got in their sleeping clothes, but their wasn't enough beds and unfortunately for a wine red eyed man he had to share with Grell.
C'mon Sebastian it'll be fine, they said, maybe even fun, they said.
All the others got to sleep rather easily but he was lay there, uncomfortable and annoyed. Soon came morning, the first up was Bill who looked out the window to check if his baby was okay, unfortunately it wasn't, it had red spay paint on it. He growled and ran straight outside in his yellow t-shirt and tracks, bare feet, he sat at the base of his car.
"Who did this to you?...." He moaned,
The brunette who had spotted his haste to check his car and walked out noticing how his head was placed in his hand and the red spay paint all other the 1963's Impala. She grabbed two cloths and gave one to Bill.
"Thanks Mabel." He muttered as he got up and started scrubbing straight away.
Mabel, helped by making it easier to wipe the spray paint off by wetting it with a sponge.
Within time the had finished.
"I Ship It!" Shouted a certain red hair who leaned against the wall of the motel. The blond and brunette shot him a glare and he laughed. Sebastian walked outside.
"He hit me with a wet towel." He said gesturing to Grell.
"Booty needed it." He retorted.
William, Will, and Ronald walked out, sleepily.
"We were awoken by to much noise." Will explained. Suddenly, Mabel whispered, looking at Bill's rear. "Does have a nice ass though."
Bill looked at her. Distraught and tired. Then he smirked,"Could say the same for you dolly bird."
Mabel blushed, flustered she made up an excuse and ran inside. Bill chuckled.
"To easy." He said. He pat the Impala. "But this is my girl."
Bill gave a cheeky smile, "let's get dressed, busy day."
The group go back inside and their room getting into their everyday clothes. Bill left the others and went to ask the twins who worked the till a few questions about the forest. He soon came back up.
"We have tag alongs but at least they know the forest." After breakfast and getting a few more people to come with, one in which was called Billy.
A girl looked at Bill, mostly what he was wearing, which happened to be yellow converse, white jeans, and a short sleeved yellow top.
"Those aren't for hiking, and you have no supplies." The blonde said, trying to be sassy.
"Hmm...." Bill looked her straight in the eyes, a bored look on his face. "Honey, I don't do shorts, and what do you mean 'No supplies' I know how to make a den with twigs, I've got nature. Also a bag of M an' M's." He said, being sassy and taking out his rather big bag of M&M's and walking forward.
The group walked towards the big forest Bill and Mabel at the head, Mabel's twin, Dipper, didn't look so happy about it though. They entered the forest, walking though cautiously until they heard the leaves shaking and something glide past.
"Guuuyyys.... It took Billy...." The group heard a twig snap.
Bill slapped a hand other her mouth.
"People, were dealing with a supernatural creature. And at that a Wendigo."
Dipper stared at Bill, "What about Billy?"
"Wendigos move at 40 miles a second, he's gone" Bill explained, unfortunately, the tag alongs didn't believe him, the twins did.
"Enjoy your funeral. Sebastian can you carry these twins to safety, I don't want my humming bird hurt."
Sebastian nodded, picking them up and running out.
They heard a branch break. Bill grabbed Grell's hand, who grabbed William's, who grabbed Ronald's arm and Bill picked up Will knowing he was slow, the ran and Bill howled, "Skrew Billy, Billy's dead!" When he heard "Biiiiiillllyyy?"
They got out the forest safe and sound, Other than a few scratches, Bill asked the twins if they wanted to tag along for a while longer, saving people hunting things, y'know, a friendly business. Thankfully they said yes as Bill now has a love life, and all thanks to Mabel putting on AC/DC whilst riding shotgun.

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