A few Voltron Oneshots I had in my ipad's notes.

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Klance ~Ruined~

Keith had made a mistake, the mistake of allowing Lance to sleep in his bed because of a nightmare. Now he lay there, flustered. He had an affection for the sleeping caramel skinned boy, he wasn't going to admit that anytime soon though.

Lightly tracing 'I love you' on Lance's back was enough for him. He sighed, doing it once more, then removing his hand from the brunet's back.

Suddenly, Lance rolled over so he was facing Keith, noses almost touching, his ocean blue eyes wide open.

Full of dread, Keith realised the boy was awake the entire time, his blush darkened though embarrassment.

A pair of arms were wrapped around him.
"I love you, too." Spoke Lance softly.(This wouldn't be a Klance moment if Lance doesn't ruin it)
"God, I'm tired." The boy followed up with a smile.

Shance ~Nightmare~

Lance had a nightmare is all, he sat bolt upright in bed, the fuzzy memories running though his mind ever so hazily.
He could remember what happened though.

His family, the Galra.... the Galra invaded the earth, the paladins had failed, his family..... Pidge's family... Hunk's family.... gone. Just like that.

The ion cannon had worked like a charm.

His heavy breathing echoed in the room, his blue eyes searching the room frantically for a sign that the other paladins were okay.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew it was just a night terror, but the fear of that doom, it stuck to him like bread on butter.

He let out a ragged sigh, forcing his legs off the edge of the bed. Shiro had nightmares, too. He'd help.

He pushed himself to stand, his blanket having been quickly wrapped around him.

He stumbled though the door, continuing his wobble down the hallway to his Leader's room

Knock, knock.

"Shiro." Whispered Lance, peeking though the door, he was greeted by Shiro looking curiously at the Latino, sat on the edge of his bed looking at a picture Lance had seen many a time.

Lance stuttered in embarrassment before forcing out, "I had a nightmare...."
Shiro smiled, a comforting gesture at the time.
It made Lance feel light headed, like he could run a marathon but throw up at the same time.
Lance sniffed, tears eyed, and sat with the older male, the door closing automatically.

"Tell me about it, it usually helps." Shiro smiled a bit more just to comfort Lance, " There's some water on the side if you need it."
Lance nodded and Shiro passed him the glass, he had been drinking it a little while ago but, he knew Lance didn't need to be told that, the glass, logically, was half empty.

Lance took a deep breath, "The Galra invaded Earth." That was it, the rest was obvious.
Shiro nodded, silently.
He himself had a dream similar to Lance's many times.
Shiro gave a comforting smile, he held his arms open, unsure if Lance would take the opportunity.
He felt butterflies when Lance gratefully excepted the gesture, his lanky arms wrapping around Shiro.

"I love you." Whispered Shiro.
There was a moment of silence. Lance sniffled a little.
"I love you, too." Rasped Lance.

Shance ~Hot Damn~

"I'm too hot!" Lance sang, swaying his hips, messing with the green goo in the castle's kitchen.
Shiro smiled, looking up from his coffee, "Hot damn!"
Lance beamed, swaying his hips all the more, "Call the police and the fire man!"
The shorter male was soon in Shiro's lap, awaiting the trill of the timer, signifying his cookies were done.
Shiro smiled sipping his coffee, "Hot damn, indeed."

Shance ~Vocaloid~

Shiro was singing Vocaloid songs? At least that's what Lance heard.
A Soft 'Ashite, Ashite' coming from the kitchen, definitely his boyfriends voice, Lance went to got check it out.
It was Shiro, by the time Lance reached the kitchen, Shiro had changed songs, but it was still a Vocaloid song that Lance knew.
This one was, 'The Lost One's Weeping,'.
Upon entering the kitchen, Lance was singing along.
Shiro let out a surprised grunt at the blue paladins soft voice, none the less he kept going, helping Hunk with whatever he was making with the green space goo this time.
"I didn't know you liked Vocaloid." Smiled Lance, wrapping his lanky arms around his bulky boyfriend's waist.
Shiro chuckled, stirring whatever was in the pan, "Surprise?"
"It was." Responded Lance, "I love your voice."
Shiro chuckled again, following the strict instructions to stir no matter what happened.
Hunk finally walked back in, taking the spoon from from Shiro and pushing the lovebirds away.
The two have been the paladin's radio ever since.

I hope you liked those real short shorts.

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