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The night was cold, the wind was freezing, the rain pelted down like bullets.

The quiet 'tap-tap' of shoes wasn't heard above the howling wind.

Though the thunder and the lighting, the boy walked on, the weather seemingly taunting him and his sorrows. He held a note tightly in his gloved hand. His head was down, the only thing one would see if they were to look at him would be a wet, yet still silky , head full of blond hair, his drenched yellow hoodie, (That had a hood of course, but for whatever reason, the boy wasn't wearing it.) His soaked black jeans, and his flooded, black, ankle boots.

The boy walked the streets, alone, drenched, depressed, he was supposed to deliver a message, but it turned out, that message was about giving the boy away, curious, he had took a little peek, on the letter, in the fine, curly handwriting of his mother, was wrote,

Dear Ms & Mr Pines,
The blond boy at your door is called Bill Cipher, he is obedient yet a trouble maker & we would like you to take him of our hands, we're sorry for any future trouble he causes to you but would like to make it clear, he is no longer our business.

His brother, Will, is an angel, so we will be keeping our little blueberry, who indeed, did sob when he found his brother would be given away, & at what cost? There isn't one, we just want rid of the demon child.

~ Forever in your debt, Mr & Mrs Cipher.

Alone and unsure if Ms Pines would take him in, the sorry excuse for a boy, he sat on the curb and buried his face in his knees, sobbing, sobbing out his sorrows in the rain so no one would see.

Cars drove past, taking no notice of the boy, who became more drenched as their tires rolled though filthy puddles, causing waves of dirty water to be thrown at him. He didn't care, nor would anybody else. At least, that's what he thought, before a bright pink umbrella appeared above his head, he let out a confused grunt, before it turned into a cough, his throat dry from his crying.

Bill looked up to see Ms Pines twin, Mason Pines, he seemed to be using his sister's umbrella, his breath hitched in his throat.

"What's wrong? You're out here all alone, Bill, crying." Questioned the brunet, worry sounding in his light voice.

The blond didn't say anything, only lifted his hand so Mason would take the note, of course the boy, with the Big Dipper birth mark, did, his coffee brown eyes quickly scanned the small letter, before he saddened, sorrow for the boy, with honey gold eyes, developing in his heart.
"Well, then, up you get, off to the shack." Spoke the brunet, shocking the boy on the pavement badly, before he scrambled up, and wrapped his nearly frost-bitten, skinny arms around the older boy.

Mason let out a surprised gasp, he wasn't the affection type and knew Bill less of the affection type the he was! The boy must have really been hurting....

The two boys walked though the streets together, cold, yet somehow warm, dragging their feet though mud and puddles, all kinds of goos and weird liquids, they soon got to the gentle, natural forest, that would give a little shelter from the frozen shards of rain.

The two trod through the wet mud, following the worn grass path, in complete silence, the silence wasn't awkward, in fact, it was rather comforting, Mason knew Bill didn't want to talk about what had happened so he didn't press him, instead he just walked with him, giving off a comfortable warmth.

The two walked until they reached a large shack, old, yet nice, it'd keep you warm and dry throughout the winter, the place was alight due to the lights inside and Mason's sister pottering about.

Bill gripped the note tightly in his hand, once again, tearing up but not letting the tears roll down his tanned, freckled face, huddling closer to Mason, causing the male's face to light up.

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