Chapter 2

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One day I'm going to have to go out,not hide away because I look different,I've said this every day and told my self again and again I need to get across the resistance but never done it,so maybe today?
Brushing grass off my knees I stand up,ready to face the world,I walk out into the street as someone sees me I run behind the back of houses and shops,running faster and faster,I can slightly see the glistening sea. What will I do,can I even swim!? As I'm thinking i don't stop running,jumping and tripping my heart pounding in my chest.

Hidden behind a shop I can see the sea with men and boys standing looking out,I step behind a boy suddenly he turns around,
"God!" He whisper-shouted
He had brown hair like all others but looked kind and quite good looking. He pushed m e back behind the shop.
"What are you doing!?" He asked
"I'm err-well"
"You could have been caught" he pulled gently at my hair.
"You've got very nice hair"
"Thanks but I" trying to get past him
"There's loads of men there you'll die!"
"Alright " I gave in
"Go home!"
"I don't have a home!!"
"We're do u live then?"
"In the woods"
"Wow,can I come see"
"Won't you get told off for leaving"
"Who cares!" He looked worried though, we ran behind the shops and house and nipped into the woods,
"So what's your name?" I asked
"It's not much but...."
"Cool,I like it, but don't you get lonely?"
"Yeah,I guess"
"But now you've got me" he grinned
"Yeah where do u live?"
"Just over there"he gestured vaguely
"Show me"
"No,it's fine,you'll get caught"
We talked for ages,as I showed him around my place,or woods,well I don't own them but you know.

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