Chapter 3

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I woke up softly with someone tapping my shoulder,yawning I turned and sat up.
I smiled he had brought me a lot of food,a glass of milk and company.
"Morning sleeping Beauty" he smiled, gently sitting beside me
"Tuck in"
We both ate our full and wiped milk moustaches off our mouths laughing. The
"So what shall we do today?" He asked me
"Well" I looked around "should you get back on your job"
"Nah,I'll be fine"he said "I want to spend time with you"
I smiled"that's sweet, but how will you get money,and you know,stuff"
"I'll be err fine,my dad works so yeah"
"Are you rich?"
He looked down picking at the muddy grass
"No,I'm not -I'm normal,you know not like rich but no,no I'm not rich"

"We could explore?" He told me
"Yeah,around the town! How exciting " I said sarcastically
"Well,I know some places we can go,secretly,so we're not seen"
"Yeah" he grabbed my hand "follow me"
We ran down deeper into the woods around the back of some houses,
"Nearly there"
We turned a corner and I clapped my hands to my mouth,
"It's beautiful"

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