chapter 9

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Omg I am sooooo sorry I got major writers block and I couldn't come up with anything!!!!!  Sorry to keep you waiting so long............  Here's the next chapter!!! :) <3

Editted- 1/19/12



I woke up at around eleven in the afternoon to an empty space where Drake belongs.  Wonder where he is.  I tried to contact him through our bond but all I got was this fuzzy sound.  Hmmmm.

'Carly have you seen Drake?'

'No why?'

'Is there a meeting that he had to go to?'

'No he said that he was gonna spend the whole day with you.'


'Is something wrong?'

'No, he's just not here with me right now and I can't reach him through our bond.  All I get is a weird fuzzy sound.  Like static or a bad connection.  I'm worried.'

'Thats weird.  I'm coming up.'

'Kay.'  I heard Carly make her way up the stairs and she jumped on the bed and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry.  Let's go see if someone knows where he is okay?"

"Okay.  Thanks Carly."  We got off the bed and walked down the stairs when we saw Grant.

"Hey Grant we are looking for Drake have you seen him around or know where he is?"

"He said something about an emergency meeting."

"Did he take Ron with?"

"No Betas aren't needed."

"Oh okay thanks."  Carly and I walked into the kitchen to get us some food.

'I just don't understand why he didn't wake me up before he left.'

'I don't know maybe it was very urgent.'  She answered in my head shrugging.

'It doesn't explain the weird connection though.'

'Yeah.  That is weird but just wait and he will contact you soon.'

'Okay.'  Carly set a huge plate of waffles in front of us and we devoured them.


I woke up with my arms and legs chained to the floor and ceiling of a dungeon looking place.  I groaned.  Where am I?

"Look who's awake!  Long time no see Drake."  Jasper said.,

"What the fuck are you doing here Jasper?"  I boomed.

"Now now don't get to mean or I might have ot hurt your precious mate."

"Please don't hurt her.  Where do you have her?  How did I get here?"

"I won't if you cooperate.  She is at your pack house but I have an insider there and with the snap of my fingers I could have her killed.  I asked our good friend Grant to tell you about a false meeting and I knocked you out and brought you here."

"You really have some issues, Jasper.  I know you didn't plan this yourself who are you working for?"

"Well, I'm not th-"  His cell cut him off and he pulled it from his pocket.  "Ahh.  Hello Grant.  How is our little pregnant girl doing?'  I could only faintly hear Grant.

"She has already noticed his absence and is noticing the bond issues."

"I give her credit she is a very smart she-wolf but I doubt she can save her beloved mate here."

The Alpha or the Beta's babies? {In editting!!}Where stories live. Discover now