This doesn't feel right.........

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Shane P.O.V

What just came over me? Why did I all the sudden have the feeling to make out with joey? I need Lisa right now! I need to know i don't like Joey.

·About 40 minutes passed by and shane ended up in the middle of no where with no gas.

Shane P.O.V

What the hell! Where am I?! I think I should call Lisa and see if she could pick me up.

·Ring Ring Ring Ring.........No answer

Now what the hell am I supposed to do.


I looked down at my phone only to see that it's Joey.

There conversation:

Joey-Hey Shane.

Shane-Hey Joey listen I never ment for anything to happen between us.....I just.....I just....

Joey-Shane don't worry about it, it was nothing. I forgot about it along time ago. I mean I 'don't' even know what your talking about.

Shane- Thanks Joey

Joey-No problem.

Shane- Hey Joey can I ask you something?

Joey-Yeah sure anything

Shane- Can you come pick me up? My car ran out of gas and Lisa won't answer her phone.

Joey- Yeah sure. Where are you?

Shane- Ummm... I don't really know. The street sign says 'Main Street' but I have no idea where that is. So I can't give you directions.

Joey- That's ok, I know exactly where that is. Be right there. Bye.

Shane- Bye.

I can't believe Joey is actually going to do this for me. He's such a good friend. 

·20 minutes later Joey arrives

Joey- Hey Shane sorry it took me so long I just stopped to get gas for your car. Because I didn't want you to have to leave it here over night. I mean your car already was broken into, that doesn't need to happen again.

·Joey began to fill up Shanes car. While filling up they decided to make small talk.

Shane- Oh my gosh! Thank you so much. I didn't even think about that. How much do I owe you?

Joey- Nothing. Friends do things like this because they're friends, not because they want to get money.

·Shane goes in for a hug.

Shane-(whispers) Thank you so much for everything you've ever done for me.

Joey- It's no problem. Shane wait...I take back what I said about you not paying me. There is one thing that I want.

Shane- How much?

Joey- It's not money.

Shane- Then what do you want?

·Joey of course starts kissing Shane.

Shane P.O.V

Omg! Yes! I was hoping this was going to happen. Wait....No.....this can't happen. I have to go NOW!!!

·Shane immediately broke away from Joey's lips

Shane- This can't happen Joey. I'm sorry.

· Shane ran to his car and drove off, rather quickly. He new what he was doing with Joey was wrong, but he always found himself questioning why it felt so right.

· By now he was going 85 mph. This was way over the speed limit. He was swerving in and out between cars and the all of then sudden you hear



Hey everyone it's me!!! I'm finally back with a new exciting chapter. I hope you all enjoy. And I really am sorry for not updating. There really isn't any excuse. I've just been so lazy. But it's ok because I'm back. Hopefully I will be posting at least every other week but don't hold me to it. Anyway that's it for now may the odd be ever in your favor GooooodByyyye!!!

P.S. Since I did the famous Joey graceffa ending I think I'm going to have a Shane Dawson ending too. So question of the day: What do you think shane hit????

It started with a dare (a shoey fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now