Kankri===> Freak out.

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So freaking the fuck out isn't the best way to cope with this at the moment and in all honestly even though Kankri was the best at solving out problems and thinking of solutions when things came to worse he wasn't ready for this kind of thing. It pained Kankri to see Mituna this way and he hated it he almost wanted to just go on a killing spree it angered him who could of done this.

Keeping himself together of course Kankri slowly leaned over to Mituna and gently puts his hand onto his cheek in the most loving and sympathetic way possible. The more Kankri looked at Mituna's state the more he himself wished to cry.  Mituna just stared at him and out of nowhere he spoke the words " I...it h...ur..ts" Those words was enough to set Kankri off as red tears drip from his cheek down to his chin. "Mituna... who did this to you? Please tell me." But Mituna didn't say anything nothing at all just gave a blank stare. 

Mituna's mind was going crazy he kept yelling that it hurts in his mind, he wanted to die everything hurt he couldn't feel physical pain at the moment but his mental state was sure as hell feeling it. Everything was overwhelmingly painful so much so that even with Kankri trying to comfort him he just couldn't. Making Mituna lay back down for him to get some more sleep he sat there just lightly petting his head until Mituna did so. As Mituna laid there his eyes slowly closed and with the help of Kankri's petting and lightly scratching his head he fell asleep rather quickly and he looked to be more at peace. "I love you.." Kankri whispered making sure he was asleep before even saying it. 

The next day

It was the very next day for Kankri but for Mituna is was the next afternoon he's been asleep for so long and it worried Kankri more than it did yesterday. While he was sleeping though Kankri made sure to clean him up, made sure to take extra care of his injuries and replacing some bandages with new ones. He would have called up Mituna's moirail maybe Latula or even Porrim but he wasn't sure if Mituna would have liked him to make such a big fuss over it even though he was secretly panicking like hell but in these types of situations is best to stay calm. 

Once Mituna did awoke however Kankri was right there with his head on the couch right next to him though he seemed to be sleeping. Taking care of someone and worrying is a lot of work. At least now after a long peaceful rest Mituna seemed to be back to normal he was used to being kicked and hit anyways but now his way of speaking was worse than before and his lisp was more recognizable, he probably glitches more to. 

Sitting up Mituna looks around the hive , he had the shittiest migraine right now but he could manage his experience worse. He couldn't remember much either though that isn't a shocker he did had the worst memory ever. Once noticing Kankri, Mituna pokes at him. "Wake up th'leeping beeuti!" He nudges him a bit. Kankri groaned and slowly looked up seeing Mituna was awake and he doesn't look so dead. "Good mor'ting too you too Kankri, sh'eshth where is the respect here." His eyes widened in shock as tears begin to stream down his face and he tackled Mituna giving him a tight hug. "Good.. morning Mituna." Kankri smiled softly as he tightens the hug some more not really caring if he was in pain because of it or not he was just happy to see and hear he was sorta fine even though he noticed his speech patterns being more worse then it usually is. "Ouch kankri ith hurths!! I don't know about you but i wouldn't like thu die being hugged thu deafth!" 

"Ah yeah! My apologies I got to happy there." Kankri backed up letting go on Mituna unwillingly of course. "If thi'th i'th how you get everytime i wake up i th'ould th'leep more ofth'en! " He giggled. But even though this little reunion was cute and Kankri would give up anything to keep it like this more often he needed answers and hopefully he would get them.

"Mituna.. I need to ask you something and please answer them honestly." Kankri looked at Mituna with a serious face. Mituna was confused but he nodded. "Th'sure thing! As'thk away." 

"What happened to you?" He was eager to get answers and he'll do whatever it takes for Mituna to tell him. "Please Mituna how did you end up with all these marks and bruises? WHy were you on the ground in pain bleeding!? Please answer me truthfully I just want to help." All these questions Mituna could processes all at once but he couldn't remember much of anything. He almost forgot his own name for a split second when he woke up. "The tuna doe'th'nt unders'thand what you are as'thking? I am perfectly fine! hehe. But I am a little lo'tht on how I got thu your hive or I think it i'th?  Nothing happened , actually I don't remember jack th'it." Be spoke truthfully and from the look in his eyes Kankri could tell he wasn't lying. "I understand.. it's fine if you don't remember thank you I'm just glad you're fine now. But even so when you do remember even the slightest thing please tell me." Mituna nodded.

After all of that Kankri decided to let Mituna stay over at his hive for the night, not wanting him to go out at the moment even bribing him with some left over honey he had putting some movie about a bee on the tv for him as well. Mituna was more than content to watch and eat, come to think of it Kankri never seened Mituna so happy and content with anything. And then out of nowhere Kankri heard. "Hey Kankri, I really really like you."  Kankri giggled and nodded. " Yeah, I do to." Little did Kankri know though all those kicks through the head could lead to a horrible brain tumor and that wasn't something anyone was ready for. In some cases they are some that show symptoms but Mituna could be those who didn't.

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