It hurts

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Mituna just sat there in pure shock. He didn't know what to do or how to even react. " N.. nothing I was skateboarding and i fell." Was all that he said but i didn't sound convincing. "I don't believe that just tell me!" After a few back and forth arguments Mituna just yelled at Kankri to leave. Getting up and opening his hive door he points at it. "Thanks for the wriggling day present but you should go now... please." Kankri frowned and just got up and left. 

The next morning Mituna was getting ready to head out of his hive. He promised Kurloz he'd go help him with whatever it is he needed help with. Mituna couldn't really remember what it was at the moment but i'll come back soon. Putting on his 'radical' jumpsuit and helmet he heads out. But he got distracted by a pretty bee and decided to follow it for a bit. Kurloz can wait for a little while it's not like he would mind.

"vwell then if it isn't my best friend 'tuna." Reasons why Mituna never leaves his hive. This is going to be a fun day for him. "Hey Cronus! ya' need anything?" Cronus just simply frowned spitting out the cigarette he had in his mouth and rolled his eyes. "Yeah knowv kanny told me he dropped by your hivwe the other day evwen told me he got you something isn't that nice."  Mituna slowly backed away as he mumbled out sorries and apologizes. "I'm sorry.. i won't speak to him anymore it won't happen again I promise!" Either the apologies went one ear and out the other or simply the other did not care for them. "Yeah well those aren't ganna cut it. No hard feelings tuna just making sure you don't do it again." 

Throwing Mituna to the ground he smirked as he looked down at Mituna. "I need to relieve some stress as vwell so i'll just kill tvwo birds with one stone."  Kicking off the others helmet so he can have better access to the place he likes to hit. But he usually saves that for last. 

Mituna covers his face with his arms as he just waits for the beat down. He was used to all of this but something tells him he wasn't going to go to kurloz's today. Before Mituna could even react a sharp pain in his stomach caused him to cough up some blood. Trying to take in as much air back into his system. The other continues to kick as his sides, waist, legs and stomach. Ever so often kicking him in the chest as well. And each bloody scream Mituna gave was a laugh coming out of Cronus. But in the end he was used to this treatment. 

It wasn't long before Cronus got tired hitting the same places so he went straight for the head. It was no wonder his glitches and memory was so shitty and getting worse. One kick, two kick, ... four kick.. after six kicks to the head Mituna lost count. His vision was slowly blurring up and he could feel something drop from his forehead. Blood? yeah it was. After one last hard kick he heard a crack go inside his thinkpan. It was probably his skull. There was a point in time where nothing hurted anymore he didn't even move or tired to cover himself anymore just stayed there as if he was lifeless his eyes were dull as well. Not that Cronus noticed he just continued to have a happy spre of kicking and when he was tired of kicking he picked Mituna up by the jump suit and got to punching. Not a single scream of pain or hiss came out of him though and his eyes were half opened. 

This went on for a couple of more minutes but for Mituna it felt like hours. Cronus let go of Mituna and his body just dropped to the dirt on the ground. Come to think of it Cronus did smell like alcohol guess he got carried away. Not that Mituna mind or anything. Cronus just walked away and disappeared in seconds. Mituna didn't have the energy or strength to get up or even move he couldn't even think. ANd his vision was really shitty now to everything looked blurry and it was getting really hard to see. He coughed up more blood. Mituna just stared at the same direction he's been staring at for the past hour. Surely no one was really going to find him here but he could help but at least hope but if no one did he'd be okay with that to.

After a few more hours Mituna could see a blurry figure out in the corner of his eyes. Once they've spotted him he could hear his name being yelled out and they run towards him "MITUNA?!" . Mituna couldn't understand what they was saying. But He did got a better look of their face. "k..a...." And with that Mituna eyes closed on their own and he pass out. 

Morning quickly went to night as in a blink of an eye and Mituna woke up in a hive he never really seen or been before. He was a bit disappointed he didn't just die right then and there but what more can he do sometimes he hates being lucky if not dying is considered lucky. Once Mituna woke up he slowly sat up from where he was lying he would have hissed and screamed at the pain he was feeling making the slightest move but in all honestly he could barely even feel anything anymore. His eyes looked more dull than they usually are and he had an emotionless face going on as well. Hearing the door click and open he saw Kankri and they rushed towards him giving them a hug and just started crying. "Mituna! thank god you're okay. " 

Again Mituna would have screamed in pain but he couldn't feel a single thing anymore. He couldn't speak his voice was trapped all he could do was stare at them.  All that was going on in Mituna's mind was him being dead, or how he should of died , or that he really wished to die right now. He couldn't feel anything but those emotions running in his head. "K.. k-k... i...ll......m...m...e...." Was all he was able to say.  Kankri was shocked to hear those words come out his mouth.  A single tear went down Mituna's cheek though he didn't show emotions on his face but the tears could show how much everything hurted and it pained Kankri to see Mituna in this way. Truth be told Kankri did have a flush crush on him but he decided to stick with his vow and not say anything in fear of hurted him. But now Kankri just panicked what can he do , what should he do. 

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