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I awoke in a forest, feeling hazy and confused. I remembered that we were on our way to Neverland and I managed to spare a magic bean. I saw the others over by a group of skinny trees. I got curious so decided to go exploring until they awoke. I was curious, which never really ended well but it didn't matter this time. I had limited time, as rhey would wake up soon.
I stood up and brushed the leaves off of my clothes, hoping the russling wouldn't wake anyone. I made a stick trail so I could find my way back, so I didn't get too lost. I wandered through the woods wondering why I needed to be here, I was so amused at how I actually managed to open the bean portal.
I heard a stick snap. I looked all around, nothing. I heard some russling of leaves, I was yet to find someone. I walked toward the area where the sound was coming from. "Hello? Who's there?" I yelled. "Who's there?" I repeated, but louder.
I help up my hands ready for a fight. "Show yourself! I know magic and I will not hesitate to use it."
I heard a chuckle. "Yeah me too."
I shipped my head around to see what ot who was behind me. I saw a silhouette of a boy. It disappeared. I attempted to look around the wilderness again. I saw nothing so I looked back again. I jumped out of my skin as I saw a neck and shoulders. The shoulders had a green leafy colour top hanging off them. Startled, I jumped back and looked directly at his face. I felt a little awkward doing so, so I looked down for a moment. I rotated left and brushed myself down to remove the traces of leaves which stuck to me after my sleep. The forest was as  empty as my fridge after a long week-there was no way I could have heard anyone!

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?"

"What?" I asked myself, puzzled- I was clearly dreaming.
I turned around to see a boy wearing a dark green outfit, which looked kinda tacky if I'm honest. But his eyes. His hair. Did I like how he looked? Okay yes I did, he's beautiful. I'm just glad I didn't catch myself drooling!

"Hi." I said to him nervously.

"Hello." He replied. "Are you new to Neverland?" He had a strong English accent, just like me.

"Yes, I am." I laughed.

"I'm Peter. Peter Pan. You?"

"Alice." I answered. "Could you please help me? I'm a bit lost." I giggled.

"You're a lost girl?" He smirked

"Well not properly certified." I laughed at my little joke, smiling at him. And he smirked at me. I felt less awkward now that I've actually spoken to him.

"Please, come with me." He said, warmly.

"Were are we going?"

"To my camp." he chuckled

"Oh okay then." I replied.

Meanwhile, the others were back in the forest. They woke up the same way I did. 

"Ouch, my head." Regina groaned. Emma looked around.

"Hey kid, where's Alice?"

"I, don't know." Henry replied, looking worried. 

"Please tell me you didn't loose the girl." Mr Gold said, getting up off the leafy ground.

"Who went through before her?" Asked Regina.

"I did." David replied.

"And Mr Gold went in after." Regina stated.

"I went in first." Emma said.

* * *

"So how did you get here Alice?" Asked Pan. We were very nearly at the camp.

"A portal. Why?"

"I was just wondering."

"Okay. May I ask why your wondering?"

"Did you happen to come in with anyone?"



"Some friends."


"Okay." I said. We stopped.

"Here it is." He said

"Oh cool. Ain't it a lil' gem?" I replied.
He did his little beautiful chuckle thing and looked out at the camp.

The camp was a place with small tents and a campfire.
"Ready to meet the lost boys?"


"You are a lost girl aren't you?"

"Yeah but I said not certified." I giggled. I serioisly don't know what came over me. I really am not the giggling type.

He walked down the muddy path into the lost boys' camp. I felt a bit intimidated but I was with Pan. I felt safe enough. As we reached the end of the path, I began to see boys wearing black capes, with their hoods up.

"Pan, you're back."

"I am. Round up the lost boys."

"Why do they wear hoods?" I asked.

"They like to."

"Are you the leader of the camp?"

"Well kind of yes."

The boys gathered around in an orderly fashion.

"This is Alice." Pan announced. "She is welcome to stay here whenever." he said glaring at one of the boys.

"Thankyou." I said. "But I felt slightly awkward. When you presented me to your friends."

He laughed.

Pan and I walked away from the boys. "I really need to get back, see you around?" I said, frowning.

"Yes. I'll meet you tomorrow?" He asked me.

"Yeah, tomorrow." We both smiled at eachother. I went back to the forest.

 I went back to the forest

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