Chapter 7

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I walked beside Zero towards a building. "Zero~~~!" I sang.

he snapped his head towards me, staring at me then glared after he noticed my grin. "What?"

"your not at all that bad as people think you out to be." I said with a smile, then walked ahead of him.

The tree's were so pretty and the flowers bloom so delicately. I felt my arm being pulled - I stopped and listened to him, interested what he had to say. this time he didn't glare or smirk, he just stared like a lost puppy looking for answers. which is what he was doing. "What do you mean? You know who I am. I also know that you know my secret." He said it in a rush and whispered the last word as if anyone was around. oh the poor boy. he was lost all this time, holding it in. i smirked at the thought.

"this is a reality wake up call Zero. i'm smarter than you think, even your secret didn't take a second to figure out for me. you may be a level D Zero, but you are lucky to be who you are." I said with a soft smile. patting his silver hair, I walked away as he stood frozen. I held my hand out and a butterfly landed on it. I just walked with him/her. Zero sprinted to catch up after he got his senses back.

"wha-" he started to talk, but i raised an eyebrow at him over my shoulder. he shut up and started to think. "why did you faint earlier? i know its not just dehydration." he stated and stopped walking. i sighed and shook my finger - the butterfly flew away.

"it is no concern of yours to question of what i do with my body. you have no right about questioning who i am. That is unless you suddenly started to care. From my analyzing thoughts, it would be most unlikely for you zero, especially in under a day." i said and walked down the sidewalk. " i would like to see my dorm room before i am late to class." Zero caught up again but said nothing this time while he lead the way.

~Time Skip~

It was an hour later before we completely viewed the campus and in my room. After our conversation, we only spoke in business terms. He directed which buildings were what and what places was off limits. Course, when we reached the gates to the Moon Dorms, he had an pissed off expression. Zero glared at me and said, "You will not pass this point unless directed by the Headmaster or in an emergency situation. Understand?"

"I understand, Zero. I wouldnt step inside their territory unless it is needed of me to do so." At that point, I just got bored listening to him and he could tell. Soon we reach reachd a building with a sun engraved on the front door.

"This is the Sun dormitory. Also known as the girls dorm." Zero said, then turned around. "I'm not need anymore. Ill tell Headmaster that your settled in. Classes start at 9:00. Dont be late, Rookie."

I sighed and nodded. "Thats Zero for you. Closed off and cold hearted."

I walked inside and found my room quickly. The room was clean and with a single bed. I sighed and hurriedly put on the schools uniform. I pulled up a hard piece of hard wood flooring then hid most of my weapons inside. I left out my daggers and some shuriken. Then I closed off everything and locked my dorm room.

 Then I closed off everything and locked my dorm room

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