Chapter 8

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(A/N: Hi guys! so I changed a few things last chapter but haven't completely edited it. you know grammar and all.)


I ran deeper into the woods, running from the hands. Running from the teeth and eyes that stalked me at every turn. i feel weak and vulnerable. i had no weapons. The darkness inside my blood wont corporate and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere. Just my stinking little luck.

A hand clasped onto my arm and dragged me down to the ground. Instantly i felt thorns pricking my skin on the arms. I felt my clothes tear and rip apart. A breeze instantly wrapped around me once my arms, torso, shoulders were exposed to the air.

I felt a hand wrap around my neck and then waist, making me sit up and struggle against an almost like wall. I shivered when something breathed near my head. i struggled even further when the limbs tightened around me.

"My sweet, Sweet little Raven. what will it take for me to hold you again?" a voice whispered behind me.

i froze with terror. i begged in my mind 'Please do not let that be who i think it is.'

Suddenly my head was slammed against an unknown force, making me perish into reality.

~Nightmare ends~

bright lights smashed against my eyelids. this also made me remember the vision I had. Sitting up on my bed, I held my head with hands and arms that were pricked and thorned. Blood dripped down and covered my bed. Even before i saw these hints, I knew the dream was real. i looked around the room and everything was normal.


i growled at the inner voice before shoving it to the back of my mind. work needs to be done, even if the sun hasn't risen and no sounds can be heard. It's been a week, since I been going and coming to class. And tomorrow, in my opinion is one of the most creepiest days of the year. White Chocolates day. A total reversal for the day of Valentines day. So I know there is gonna be a major issue today with the girls.

Setting the pain into the back of my head, i got up from the bed. Just wanting to take a shower and remove the blood. Knowing Kaname, he probably thought i was curious as to what the necklace can do. Experimenting on my skin isn't really me, but he can think what he wants.

The Uniform was a little tight, but not skin tight where i can't move freely. There was a belt over the white button up, but under the navy blue jacket. It held the daggers , humming to a lullaby stuck in my head.

OK so your probably wondering why I fainted or why there is a voice in my head. Well..... technically i'm a cat. Ooo well. You will find out more later.

As I walked outside, I saw Yuki sitting at the fountain. Her fingers danced on the water, but her eyes were lost in some other world. I walked towards her, then whispered in her ear, "BOO".

she yelped with fright and splashed her whole arm in the water. I giggled with amusement while she turned her head and glared a little playfully. "That wasn't nice, Chi."

I raised an eye brow at her. "Really? Cause I think the sun is rising and I don't know what else would snap you out of your day dreaming. Ohhh, could this be about kaname?????"

she blushed bright red and shook her head before turning back to the water. "N-n-no! I was just thinking. Yea! thinking!"

I chuckled at Yuki's little frenzy before walking past her. "Come along, Snow. We don't want a couple of 'Girls' to rape the moon dorm do we? Because you know tomorrow would be their 'Special Day'." I didn't look back to know she was running up to me. I wasn't kidding when I said that. The girls here, from my analysis, actually would try and rape the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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