Chapter 4

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I had just left Ino's flower store and I guess you could say I was in a good mood. She seemed happy to see me and I couldn't wait to see everyone else.

There wasn't many of people walking in the streets which I found okay. It was quiet and I actually found it peaceful.

Then Juvio appeared next to me.

"You have a creepy smile on your face." He said to me and then broke into laughter.

"Eh?! No I don't!" I said back and pushed him softly, giggling lightly.

Juvio and I are pretty close. Like as close as a demon and a human can get. We know each other very well and, apparently, are strong.

I gave him a smile and I watched his lips curl into one too. That's when a tiger stopped us in our tracks.

The tiger was black and white. It's body consisted of swirls and slashes of what looked like paint.

Only one person can create a masterpiece like this.

"Juvio! Come on!" I told him as the tiger turned then ran off through the street.

The tiger was seriously fast but of course, we were faster. Well we weren't racing against the tiger so we kept at a pace just behind it. Slowly, the tiger stopped as we came around a bend.

Sai was sitting there, resting his side of his face on his hand. There was a half-smile on his face and a pencil balanced between his fingers.

"You?" Sai asked me with a smile.

This smiled seemed real. Sai has changed so much from when I've been away. He's grown taller now and his hair was short. His eyes were smiling and he actually looked really happy.

"Yeah. Me." I responded slowly and then felt Juvio step beside me.

"And Juvio!" He said happily and smirked. He totally ruined the moment.

"Tch." Sai simply said then stood up and walked over to me. He embrace me slowly and the smiled remained.

"You haven't changed at all." He said to me after pulling away. Shifting positions, he stood tall and placed a hand on his hip.

That's when I noticed how much taller he was.

"You're short." Sai said to me and laughed a little.

"W-whatever!" I fumed and shook my head.

"Ha! How was training?" He asked me before ruffling his hair softly.

"Boring...." Juvio answered and smiled next to me.

"So this is who?" Sai asked and gave Juvio a cold stare. "Please tell me he's not your boyfriend."

This made Juvio break out in laughter. While I stood there, completely unsure what to say.

"Me? Her boyfriend?" Juvio repeated through laughs. "As if! I wouldn't date her if she was the last girl ali-"

He got cut off mid-sentence, probably because I had punched him all the way to the other side of the village.

I dusted my hands off and sighed deeply. "Idiot. And were not." I answered Sai and grinned.

Sai was astonished by her strength. Damn. She's gotten so much stronger. That punch looks to be ten times more powerful than Sakura's. He thought to himself.

"Sai?" I said confused and watched as his head snatched up to look at me.

"Yes! Alright. Sorry to ask." He says softly and grins.

I remembered and grabbed my backpack. I produced a rose and a long rectangle box wrapped in black paper, Sai written all over it.

"Here you go!" I say happily and passed it to him.

"What's this?" He asked me as he ripped the paper off. "No way!" He exclaimed as his face lit up.

"Yup! I happened to be passing that town, so I thought I'd buy one for you. A gift." I say and smiled.

"Awesome!" Sai said happily as he hugged the new and thick drawing book close to his chest. "These are the best types to get!"

"No problem! I knew you'd like it." I say happily then took a few steps back. "It was great seeing you again! But I gotta get around and see everyone."

"Oh yeah! Good luck! Have fun!" Sai said happily and waved.

That's when I turned on my heel and began walking again, hoping to run into someone.

{I'm so sorry for not updating this story in like ages! I wasn't sure if anyone was reading it until someone actually asked me when I was posting the next one. So yeah. I hope it's okay guys! Yay! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*}

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