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- Tuesday, June 3rd, 5:33 pm -

- Xanthippe's pov -

I jogged along with my older sister and younger brother, keeping in perfect pace with them as we made our way through the woods. Usually I would have been in the in the back, disregarding all exercise, but today the Alpha and Luna, our parents, were watching us.

Xena, my 20 year old sister, stood strong and proud, much to my annoyance. It wasn't a secret that she was incredibly beautiful with long blonde hair and blue eyes that matched our fathers. She was also very smart, bossy, and stuck up. It was hard to believe that we were siblings sometimes.

Xac, our 16 year old brother, was anything but the little angel our parents thought him to be. Of course, when they were looking he'd do nothing to displease them. But the second they turned around all hell broke loose. I blamed it on his ginger hair and piles of freckles, which he had gotten from our mom.

I, on the other hand, was a free spirit. I didn't have to be the perfect Luna-to-be like Xena, or as bratty as Xac. I was free, which was something that my parents didn't want their children to be.

Lost in thought, I hadn't noticed that I had begun to slow down, luckily Xena grabbed my arm and yanked me forward again. "Move it, Xanthippe," she growled at me, which was something my wolf and I didn't like.

I growled right on back at her, yanking my arm from her grasp. "It's just Xan," I told her and we came to a stop in front of our parents. The rest of the teens and kids in our pack were right behind us.

"Good job, teen pack members," our mother said, a smile on her face as she looked over to us. "As you all know, the Running is Friday night and I expect most, if not all, of you to find your mates." She looked up to our dad, who was staring down at her lovingly.

I rolled my eyes and looked away towards the pack house. I could smell the delicious food already and I just wanted them to stop talking so we could go eat.

The Running was held every year at the Head Council as a mating ceremony. It was like a 'fun game' where the she-wolves would run into the forest and the males-wolves would run in after them and find their mates. It was like a competition to see which male could catch his mate first.

I was still looking over at the pack house when I heard my father say my name. "Xanthippe," I flinched as well as everyone else at his harsh voice. "Come over here, the Luna and I need to have a talk with you."

I stopped my eyeroll as he presented him and my mother as the Alphas instead of my parents. I walked over to them, my eyes staring jealousy at the people who were making their way towards the pack house before I turned to look into my father's stormy eyes.'What did I do this time?" I sarcastically asked my wolf. "Hey, mom, dead," I told them, bowing my head.

"You look glowing after that run, dear, " my mother commented and I had to stop my flinch as she placed her hand on my face. "Your father and I, we are worried about you. We know tomorrow will be your first time leaving for the Running, and we just want to make sure you know that it is never guaranteed that you will find your mate-"

"Mom, are you suggesting that I won't have a mate?" I couldn't help but let out the words in a growl. Everyone was always guaranteed a mate, no matter their role in the pack.

"No, not at all," she shook her head quickly, "we just don't want you to get your hopes up if he isn't here this year. Xena hasn't even found her mate yet. "She said the words in a sympathetic tone, but I still wasn't happy.

Of course they thought since my all powerful sister didn't find her mate yet I wouldn't either. Even thought I knew this was how they thought, it still made me angry. Mom had always treated me like an object; like I would break any moment. She raised me not to be a strong Luna like Xena but instead taught me to be the perfect mate. My father only saw me as the mistake child because I'm always disobeying rules and being carefree.

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