--> Four <--

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-Friday, June 6th, 7:34pm -

- Xanthippe's pov -

At the sight of the rogues, everyone began to scream and make a bee-line for the exit. I stood still in my spot and looked over to Jaxson, wanting to make sure he was safe from everything. He was already watching me, his eyes practically black as he tried to break free of the hold the guards had on him. They were trying to get him somewhere safe, but he was fighting to get closer to me.

I almost took a step forward to go to him, before I felt a tight grip on my wrist and yanking me back. I squeal and turned around to see who was pulling me in the opposite direction of Jaxson. It was Xena. I was surprised to see a terrified look on her normally professional face. I pushed back my wolf's need to get back to her mate and following after Xena, stumbling over my dress.

We pushed through people and made our way outside. 'Shift,' she mind linked me and I obeyed her, shifting midair with her as we ran. The direction we went in was obviously towards our pack. It's like we had an inner compass pointed towards our pack. We headed straight into the woods with a few others who had shifted and were running as well. She looked back at me as she ran before she turned to look straight ahead again. 'Are you okay, Xan-'

She was cut off as a large wolf came out of nowhere and tackled her to the ground. I pressed my paws into the ground to come to a stop, tumbling over as a few ran into me. I growled at the wolf who had tackled my sister and leapt at it, pushing him off of her. We rolled over a few times and he ended up on top of me. He growled at me and snapped at me. I growled back, but it didn't matter because someone had slammed against him, holding him against a tree beside us. I jumped up and saw it was Aiden in his human form, holding off the rogue. "Go, now, Xan." He ordered me with dark eyes before he focused on the rogue.

I nodded and went over to my sister, helping her up. She shook off her white fur and let out a huff before we began to run once again towards out packs direction.

-Saturday, June 7th, 1:33 am –

"I found them over here!" I heard a voice yell and I opened my eyes, looking up. I was about to growl, but noticed the guy who had shouted was the Beta's son of our pack. 'Bout time,' I mind link and he rolls his eyes before he leans down and lifts me up. I was still in my wolf form, so I know I must have been heavy. I move my head towards Xena and howl out softly for her to wake up and she stirs awake, bringing her head up and looking around tiredly.

Hearing footsteps appear, I turned and see more of the pack coming, including our parents and brother. "Oh my god," our mother gasped out and our father went to go pick up Xena. She let out a little whimper and curled into a ball in our father's arms. "Get them to the infirmary now. I want all the pack doctors attending to any wounds they might have." Mom growled out and everyone nodded before we were hurried off to infirmary.

'Hey Xena,' I mind link her, looking to her as Devin, the beta's son, and dad carried us. She moved her head to look back at me, exhaustion in her light eyes. 'Don't tell mom and dad about my mate. I want to pretend like I didn't meet my mate at the Running, okay?' I said to her, in a quiet voice. My wolf had shunned me, refusing to talk to me since we left our mate at the Running.

I expected Xena to argue with me to actually tell out parents, but she nodded to me. 'I understand. I wouldn't want that monster as my mate either,' she told me. My gut twisted, wanting to argue with her words, but I pushed it away. That was the mate bond talking.

I expected myself to breath out in relief, but I didn't. I felt worried and tired. I let out a quiet whimper and rested my big head against Devin's shoulder. His hold tightened on my slightly and he stiffened. "Don't worry, Xan, whatever wounds you have the doctor will heal them." He told me, but he couldn't have known that he was actually lying to me. He didn't know that my mate bond had begun and it would scar me and my wolf on the inside. Nothing could heal that. Only him; my mate. And I would do anything in my power to not have a mate.

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