Chapter 40 - Numb

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Three days.

Three long days I sat in there, the corpse rotting as blue-bolts and mice fed on the girls flesh.
I wonder if she'd had a family? A job? dreams?

How someone could just take it away from her, if I had just known she was up here I would of helped get her out.

What if she was only meant to be here for only three days and they'd forgotten? Would they forget me? Surely not? They needed me.

No one came too check on me in those three days, I had to squat to go for a pee. Hoping I wouldn't get it on my clothes. I was dirty, the mould from the wood and dust from the dirt with no water for three days made my throat incredibly hoarse. ON another downside, my hair gets greasy VERY quickly, that along with sweating, well I wasn't winning any beauty pageants any time soon.

I heard the ladder from the roof hatch be pulled down on its rail, they were coming for me. I lay there as I hear the footsteps of my owners come for me, the hatch creaks letting in rays of light, blinding me. I squeeze my eyes close and wait for them to adjust.

"Woah! Jesus! it stinks in here"

A pause as they come into the loft space.

"You still alive Indie?"

I didn't answer, my throat too dry.

Jasper and Bray come into my view and prod me. I move away from them like a nervous animal. A wave of sympathy washes over Jaspers eyes for a split second.
He pulls the key to the chain out of his pocket and unclasps me. I'm free, but i'm numb.
I don't get up, I wait for them to do it, is this really what they want? Me to go back to square one? Too be a lifeless soul? A Toy? A weapon?


Of course they do.

Jasper picks me up throwing over his shoulder, with that I catch a whiff of my scent. I needed to wash. Jasper steps onto the first of the ladder, I squeeze my eyes shut in fear, this ladder could break. We make it to the landing , Bray following. We walk towards the bathroom, the rooms moist and warm. He lays me still fully clothed into a warm bath. I hiss as the fag burn from Eli stings. My legs are stiff and I sit in legs tucked into chest position, Bray leans against the wall as Jasper starts to pour water over my greasy locks. He washes my hair and body, well more like scrub and pulls me out the bath. A towel is placed over me and I am lead to my bedroom and locked in. I

walk slowly towards my window and open it ajar. Cool, crisp air fills my nostrils as I inhale deeply. I notice a neighbour tending to his garden. I watch as he trims the roses with care, he gave those roses more respect than I had ever received here. He stood up, wiped the sweat from his brow and admired his little red beauty's. He glance over towards the houses garden adverting his gaze then up too the house. noticing me, he starred. I took this as an opportunity to take advantage. "Help" I mimed at him making sure to make no sound. I made a phone signal for him to call the police. He frowned then went into his house.

I take this as a signed for me to get dressed quickly, throwing on some shorts and grey tank top. Not forgetting underwear. I threw my old wet clothes into the towel.

A few moments later, I hear a phone go off.
I hear a mumbled speaking voice and then footsteps coming towards me. Five minutes of peace over.

The key turns and in comes my knight in shining tin foil. You can all guess.

"Hello girlie, I've just had a call from our lovely neighbour..." Was the neighbour really that stupid.

"Apparently your windows stuck and you couldn't open it, so you were waving for help"

I glared at him as he smiles amused my my failed attempt.

Indie - 0 / Eli - 1

He points me out of the room and I make my way downstairs. I didn't speak.

"Cat got your tongue missy?"

I didn't reply and scuffed my way down the stairs. Bella was sat on the sofa with a shining black eye, it was so swollen it looked like she had a plum stuck to her face. She couldn't open it. Ouch.

I slouch against the wall. Everyone was in there.

Eli turned away from me, jaw tensed and faced the rest of the Brady bunch.

"Now since we're all here, let's have a lovely family meeting. How are we feeling girls?"

Neither of us replied

"Wonderful, now that's cleared up we can start to plan to kill that son of a bitch.

My ears picked up.

Marcy, I'm coming to get you girl.

My stomach started to growl and I suddenly felt really sick and light headed. I tried to focus on the boys but they became a haze "Eliiii" I called out weakly as I saw the floor coming closer to me. Before my head hit the floor, it was caught swiftly but Eli in the palm of his hand. " hey girly didn't realise I had such an effect on you to faint over my looks"


He sat me up. Ordered the guys to get me water and food. In and out the kitchen they went. Handing me a glass of water I gulped it, only for it to come up again. I tried the bread and again that came up. My stomach was swollen. Lack of nutrients.

I was placed on the sofa and listened into the plan of Elliot. I was going to be deploy a distraction. Eli was going to take me in his self. Hand me over the Elliot and leave whilst the guys and Bells were going to hide. The bang bang everyone shoots and we go home.

But of course it wasn't going to be that simple, everything needed to be timed. Perfectly.

We had to train hard and harder. I was given and trusted with my own gun. I was to wear a hoodie and hide one down my belt, using the hoodie to cover it, hopefully they wouldn't think to check me if Eli had a gun pointed to my head and my hands tied behind my back. But the knot was going to be loose so I could pull it and it undo my hands as well as grabbing the gun at the same time.

I mean in all this action that was going to unfold I could easily shoots the guys and get myself and the girls out of there. But of course to insure this wouldn't happen Bella was staying with Bray in the van. To be shot dead if I didn't follow plan.

I felt sick through out the whole of the session. Eli kept smirking every time I went dizzy. Knowing he had taught me a lesson. The dead corpse was still up there. I had been sleeping in a house with a rotting corpse above me. Repulsive.

None of us knew if we'd all make out alive. It was a strange thought to think who wouldn't be coming back of one of us were dead.

Maybe it could even be me who wasn't coming back, I didn't know what would be worse. Being dead or being alive and staying with Elliot. Back at that house. The memories returned of the cage.

I was even more determined now to stay alive and kill the bastard.

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