Chapter 17: Remembering

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Chapter seventeen: Remembering

Things had certainly changed from then. For some reason the guys were impressed and at the same time shocked at my "Good Luck" shots. Over the next couple of weeks my lifestyle changed.

I didn't have to sleep in with Eli anymore. I was living down in the basement and the door was locked every night but I'd gotten my own bed. It was only a second hand, basic metal framed bed. The matress was old and moth bitten and when you lay on it you could feel the springs dig into your back, but to be honest i didn't care.

 I also was given a old chester-draws to put my few clothes in. Also in "My room" I had a bedside table and an old mirror which was placed in the corner of the room. There was string next to my bed, that when you pulled it, the light bulb that hung from a chain on a ceiling would come on. I hardly ever put it on though as it would flicker too much and give me a headache. 

I had pushed the cardboard boxes that were in the room under the stairs. The single window that as in the room was also aloud to be opened at night times if i got to hot,  but i would have to ask someone to open it for me, which i never did because i didn't want them coming down here.

 I would be locked in here most of the days. Staring at the crap they'd leave down here. This was there storage room. There were pots, pans, old clothing, there used to be tools down here, but they took them out.

The wall are a duck egg blue, but they were painted way before i came here, the paint wa starting to flake and fall off. My bed covers were filthy, and had never been washed. But all in all i didn't care because it was my room.

Today i had been locked in here again, because they going out to get supplies, like food, weapons, clothing for me! Yes! I got new clothing often. Which was good. It had been two months since i was kidnapped. I had changed both mentally and physically.

 Mentally because i had become a weaker person, than i used to be, but then again i was also strong mentally too. I could take pain more now. I had changed physically alot. My hair was growing to long. It had gone from being brilliant blonde to mousey brown, which i hated. I had lost weight i was now a English size 8 (American size 2). I had also grown taller. Which i was happy about, but i still wasn't as tall as any of them.

 I continued to stare at the ceiling. Okay my god i was bored! I sat up and looked at the door. Fuck it. I got off from the bed causing the frame to squeek. I walked across the cold ground and made my way up the steps to the door.

 I looked at the lock and smiled.Easy! I took a pin from my jeans that i'd taken out of Eli's room ages ago. I placed the pin in the lock and looked for the click. The door opened, record time 25 seconds. Ohright! go me.

I stepped into the lounge and looked around. It was wierd seeing the room empty. The room was slightly messy, a few beer cans on the coffee table. Shrugging I thought about whati should do. Do I try and escape, only to probally be found and beaten to death? Do I just go back into the cellar? Nahhh. Or....Do I explore the whole of the house? suggestion number three sounded amazing to me. I went up the stairs and came to the first room i hadn't explored.

Tristan and Ollies room, now this room was a typical teenagers bedroom, black carpet, mint green walls, clothing EVERYWHERE! Guitars, and amps also everywhere. Two single beds with black and green bedding, both unmade. A desk in the corner of the room with an Imac on it. A televison, Xbox and plenty of games and DVDS. I chucked and closed the door.

Noahs and now Jaspers Room. Hmm Blue walls, sandy wooden flooring. Neatly made beds, again clothing on the floor. Imac and desk. Loads of beer cans scattered here, there and everywhere. Wardrobe and matching chester draws, they were white with sandy coloured handles to match the floor. They had a huge stereo stystem. Cds galore! And uge flat screen t.v.. Next room was Eli's but I already knew his room inside and out. That room didn't bring good memories.

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