Seeing A Similar Face (part 2) and Trouble Brewing

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It has been the whole day and they are still talking. She was telling him about her starting school tomorrow and he told her that they don't quite soon. They kept talking about how they could see each other again before school start. She wasn't sure how that would work out but she did want to see him again. What she didn't know was that, he was on his way down there the minute he realised he wanted to be with her. He had everything set up and ready for when he got down there, which, would be during the day while she was at school but that wouldn't stop him from going ahead to school to see her and surprise her so he was planning to go during lunch so it would be a good surprise.

At school during lunch...

Brittany was sitting with Amanda and Miranda, they were sitting where they also sat. They had been talking till they saw a big crowd by the door. "Looks like we got another new student this year." "I wonder who it could be." "Don't you always want to know if it's a boy Miranda." "Come on guys. It's nothing, it's like it always has so lets get back to what we were doing." They hadn't started talk when the crowd started to move away from the door but wouldn't get far because of the crowd of people. They could just watch from where they were seated. Brittany started to stand up because she recognized that hair. She tried to get a better look but couldn't because of the crowd (she was trying to see from where they are seated).

Aric was trying to get through and look for Brittany because she is the one he wanted to see more than all these girls. He could tell someone was trying to see from a seat far away from the crowd but he couldn't make out who it was. He recognized the hair, he knew he has seen that hair from somewhere. He moved forward and the crowd moved with him. He got somewhat close enough to be able to see that far, he knew who it was now.


Brittany turned around as the crowd parted. She couldn't believe her eye's. Where they desiving her? No. It was really him. She took off running toward him as she run into his arms. They hugged and everyone could just watch. Some of the girls that weren't happy, they had walked away when hearing her name.

When they finally let each other go, she immediately grabbed his hand and took him over to her friends (main best friends).

The conversation between the four:

Brittany: Miranda, Amanda, I would like you to met Aric.

(The girls wave at him)

Miranda & Amanda: Hi! Nice to met you.

Aric: Nice to met you, too.

Brittany: Oh! Would you like to go get some lunch before next period?

Aric: Yes, that would be great!

(Miranda & Amanda just looked at each other with a smile as we walked away)

(I am not going to go into detail about their periods unless the story takes place in one of the classes.)

After lunch was over, he walked her to her class then went to his. Everyone was starting to call them the "Perfect Couple".

Once school was over, he walked her to her car. She sat on the hood and looked toward him. He was standing right in front of her. He walked closer till he was touching the front of the car. All of that felt so normal, they didn't know why. She stood up and put her arms around his neck. They looked at each other. They weren't sure for how long they were. They started to move closer together till their lips touched. They didn't know how long they were kissing till they heard some voices. "Look who we got here. It's the loser and they new guy." We turn to see where the voices were coming from. We saw the three girls that weren't standing off that far from where we were. "What do ya'll want?" "We just want to warn the new guy to stay away from a girl like you but as we can see, that's a bit too late." "Ya'll can go find someone else to bother, okay?" "Oh look girls, she thinks she is smart." They laugh as we just aren't seeing why they are here. "Exactly why are you here?" The head of them, you could tell the way the other two were acting. "We are here to invite Aric here to come join us so he doesn't have to be around the likes of you. So, what do you say Aric?" He looks at them like...what the heck is your issues. "No thank you beautiful girls, I think I will just go home." They all smile at each other. While they were busy, he whispered to me, "I will hide behind a car and when they leave, I will come back." I nod as he walks away. When the girls see this, they are satisfied and walk away as well.

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