25) Heartbreak

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It had been almost two weeks since Matt had sent me that false Warning field and it had been almost two weeks in which Matt hadn't been quite right. 
I just had this nagging feeling that he wasn't telling me something, that there was a reason for that energy field. Was he just not telling me because he didn't want to scare or worry me? I know he told me it was nothing, and I guess it really could just have been a scare on his part and he had reacted instinctively, but the odd feeling wouldn't go away. Why can't I let this drop? 
I keep telling myself, that if Matt wanted to tell me anything, he would and that anything he might be withdrawing is the right thing to do. But what if it isn't? Did he see something in the woods? Did something happen?
Urg, Layla! You don't even know there is anything he's hiding, don't you trust him? At the moment...no. I don't know what it is, but I just know i'm missing something.
For one, Matt has barely taught me a spell since then. He keeps telling me "I deserve a break," and "we've done enough hard work," this is compared to the Matt that taught me a few spells every day since getting here. I have learnt a few new things, like this infra-red vision he used to get us out of the forest oh so many moths ago, and that was pretty cool, but I don't see how that would help me.
Am I just being paranoid?

Maybe being cooped up in this house for God knows how long is having an effect on him, well not just him, both of us. Didn't he mention once an idea of going back to the Palace and have the protection of the Royal Family? Would that be better? Could I ask that of Matt, to face his family and their judgment? But wasn't he the one to suggest it in the first place? When he first told me this idea, I wasn't all that keen to go, but now...maybe the change will be good for both of us.

I was sat on the couch in the games room, watching Matt play away on Call Of Duty. What is it with guys and this game?

"Matt?" I asked, almost timidly, oh get over it Layla! He was the one who thought of the idea!

"Yeah?" Matt asked, still not looking up from the screen. His fingers were furiously tapping away at the console and his face was a mask of concentration, you would think this game was real of something!

"I was wondering if it might be a good idea to discuss going to the Palace," I said before I could chicken out. Though I don't know why I was so nervous about talking about this.

Matt's fingers froze. A few seconds later on the screen I saw Matt 'die'.

"The Palace?" Matt asked after what seemed like forever.

I coughed to clear my throat, why was I so damn nervous? "Well yeah, I mean you suggested it before and you must have had good reasons for that."

Matt still hadn't turned to face me, but I could see his eyes staring straight ahead, a look in his eye that I didn't recognise.

"I did, didn't I," he mumbled, almost to himself.

"Do you still think that's a good idea?" I asked, placing my hand on his arm.

Abruptly, he stood up and started pacing the room. What?

"Matt?" I asked again, when it seemed like he wasn't going to answer me.

Matt stopped, looked at me for a second and then carried on pacing.
Weird much?

"I...No. We shouldn't go there." Matt spoke eventually.

"Because...?" I probed.

"It's just not a good idea."

Well thanks for clearing that all up.
I stood up and went around to face Matt, putting my hands on his shoulders to stop him pacing. Honestly it was making me dizzy.

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