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1 week later

Both Magnus and Alec were awoken by the cries of their baby girl in the middle of the night, Magnus nearly cried from exhaustion but Alec toughed it out.

"Shes probably hungry. " Magnus groans, his voice hoarse.

"Do you want me to go feed her?" Alec asks with a sleepy tone.

"No darling, youve done enough, just go back to sleep okay?" Magnus smiled kissing Alecs lips and getting to his feet.

"You sure? "

"Of course baby, get some sleep."

Magnus heard him fix his position on the bed and silent snores fill the air with the cries. Alec really was exhausted.

Ever since the baby was born, Alec got up at night, every hour, leaving Magnus sleep, even if Magnus insisted.

But Alec was stubborn...until now.

"Im coming pumpkin mommys coming. " Magnus says finding his way through the dark.

Suddenly he tripped, over something he thought was a wire.

"Fuck! "He whispers.

He got up and felt his way around the room in the dark, he didn't want to wake Alec by turning on the light, he needed all the sleep he could get.

Magnus thought he was fine until he stubbed his bare toe on something.

"Ffff....ow!" He whimpered.

Kennedy countinued to wail, they were getting so loud that they turned into screams.

"Mommy is coming Kennedy! " He cries hopping up and down on his foot good foot.

He finally managed to get out of the room and into the dimly lit hallway.

He shut his bedroom door behind him, Alecs massive snores could be heard and Magnus giggled.

He turned on the hall light and walked to Kennedys room.

The baby screeched as Magnus turned on the light.

"What? What is it baby? What's the matter? " He coos picking up

The babies face was blood red streaked with tears, her little eyebrows furrowed and fists clenched in anger.

"Whats wrong my sweet little peapod? Are you hungry? " Magnus coos bouncing her up and down.

She continued to cry, Magnus sat in the rocking chair across the room and with a twirl of his fingers made a bottle full of warm milk appear.

"Here you are darling, all better. " he smiles holding the bottle as Kennedy drinks ravishingly, she began to calm down but still sniffled.

Magnus placed a kiss on her teeny forehead as she drank, her big yellow eyes followed him as he did this.

She was too weak for her magic to work, but her little brown eyes could turn yellow when she was mad, upset or threatened.

"I hope you know that me and daddy love you more than anything in the world Kennedy Joyce. We love you so much and we would do anything for you." Magnus smiled talking quietly to his daughter.

Kennedy countinued to drink the bottle as Magnus cooed and baby talked to her.

"You look so much like your mommy, you have my eyes, my lips, my nose, my eyebrows, my facial shape, but, I think you're going to have daddys hair, just longer. " Magnus smiled.

The baby reached a hand up to Magnus and placed her palm on his cheek, curling her fingers a little.

"I couldn't believe it when I found out that I was going to have a baby, me and daddy were overjoyed, and the whole time you were in mommys tummy, you kicked to talk to me, and you made me eat things id never eat, you put me through excruciating pain for hours upon hours through screaming and crying, through shaking and vomiting, but it was all worth it, because I have the most beautiful baby girl in the entire galaxy and I love you more than anything." Magnus explained even though she couldn't understand.

He didn't know he was crying until a tear dripped on his hand.

He wiped them away with a sniffle and smiled as the babys eyes closed.

He put down the bottle and as he did the baby whimpered, her eyes fluttered open.

"Oh alright, ill stay, but you musn't have another bottle because you had a full one, but...." he snapped his fingers and a pacifier was in her mouth.

He rocked her on the rocking chair until she fell asleep and he too fell asleep.

Alec awoke with a loud yawn, the room was dark but not as dark as before, he noticed that Magnus wasn't in bed so he got up.

He slowly padded groggily across the bedroom on bare feet over to the bathroom where he peed and washed his face with warm water.

He than shuffled down the hall and into Kennedys bedroom.

What he saw melted his heart.

Magnus was asleep holding the baby close to him, his nose on her head, but the babys head was unsupported and drooped.

Alec hurried over to take Kennedy and put her back into her crib.

He picked a sleeping Magnus up bridal style and kissed his hair.

Magnus breathes through his nose and shifts in his sleep.

"mmm...Alexander. ." He smiles whispering in his sleep.

"Shhh its just me go back to sleep." Alec whispers.

Magnus curls into Alecs chest as they walk down the hall and into the bedroom.

Alec puts Magnus in bed and pulls the blankets over his body.

Magnus pulls the blankets up to his nose and snuggles into them with a sigh.

Alec smiles kissing Magnus' forehead.
He than began to leave the room when Magnus said something.

"Where are you going baby?"

"To get breakfast. "

"Nooo darling come cuddle me." Magnus whined.

Alec sighs with a smile and heads back to bed to cuddle.

So I made it funny and cute. Im not sure how it turned out bur anyway hope you enjoy! :)

Chapter 10 soon!

Until next time.....

Katie ♥ :) xoxo

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now