Thirty (part 4)

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Exactly 1 month later

"Nope, definitely not. " Alec shook his head.

Magnus held up a costume.

One that made Alec cringe.

"Why not?" Magnus pouts placing the costume back on the rack.

"I am not being a sexy lady bug!" Alec spat.

"But it would look so sexy on you!" Magnus pouts.
Alec rolls his eyes

"Fine, but im still going with the sexy pirate costume!" Magnus says pointing to the costume lying in the cart next to him.

"You know we are here for The childrens costumes right? "

Magnus gasps "oh yes!, I forgot! Clary is taking them trick or treating with Jace!"

Alec smiles pushing the cart as they walk down the aisle.

"It was so nice for them to do this for us." Alec says.

"She wanted is to spend Halloween together." Magnus grins.

"Does that mean were going to have a party? " Alec asks stopping at the baby/ children costumes.

"Possibly. "Magnus smiled.

Alec scans the costumes, looking for one for Gabriel. Even though the babies couldn't have candy because they were way too small, it was nice of Clary and Jace to take them out, they needed fresh air.

Alec knew Magnus found something because his squeal made his ear ring.

"Oh Alexander look!" Magnus cries holding up a sparkly butterfly costume.

Alec smiles, "that would look so cute on Abigail! "

"Thats why im getting it!"Magnus grins placing it in the cart with his.

Alec saw the perfect costume for Gabriel than, he picked it up and stared at it smiling.

A pumpkin costume.

The body was a huge plump, plush pumpkin and it came with a hat, which was the stem.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Magnus squeals as he saw the costume.

"Cute isn't it?"

"Its adorable! Put it in the cart were buying it!" Magnus cries happily.

Alec puts it in the cart and as soon as he does, Magnus squeals again.

"Look! Its so perfect for Kennedy! " Magnus cries.

Alec looked up to see Magnus holding a pink, sparkly princess costume.

"It is perfect, shes been saying how she wanted to be a princess for Halloween for almost 1 month now." Alec says as Magnus puts the costume in the cart.

"Lets go buy these" Alec says starting to walk towards the cash register but Magnus stopped him.

"Not so fast baby" he says.

"What now?"

"We still haven't found a costume for you yet"




"did you get it on yet?" Magnus asks from the closed door of the dressing rooms.

"Yes..." Alec replied

"Than come on out I wanna see" Magnus cries.


"Alexander, come out, i wanna see!"

"I look like an idiot! " Alec protested.

"No you don't"

"Yes..I do"

"Alexander stop being so stubborn" Magnus hissed.

"Fine! Im coming, by the angel Magnus!"

Magnus smiled crossing his arms across his chest.

Alec opens the door slowly and stepped out.

Magnus burst into a cackle as he looked at Alec who wore a maid outfit made for ladies, so the costume was a dress, it was short on Alec, it went over his knees and the v neck showed the hairs and runes on his chest.

But it wasn't the dress or the hat that made Magnus laugh, it was the horrified look on Alecs face.

"Magnus! Your not helping! " Alec grumbled in embarssement.

"Sorry honey bunny, I love it! "Magnus chokes back a laugh.

"Well I hate it..."

"Did you have another costume in mind?"

Alec sighs, hesitating, and then grins annoyed.

"Im going to be you"

"REALLY? " Magnus cries..

"Yes, but that's the only night you can do my eyeliner and glitter!" Alec says.

"YAY!" Magnus cries happily.

Alec scoffs stepping back into the dressing room.

Magnus could hear his grumbling and laughed..

"Shut up! You know I hate halloween! "

"Oh I know honey, I know" Magnus grins.

Hey! So I finally updated! Sorry it took so long! And sorry this chapter sucked! Im extremely tired!

Hope you enjoyed anyway!

Until next time.....

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now