Chapter 12: Shipfall (part one of three)

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In the darkness they find nothing but shadows from the bat hoard in the sky. "I totally hate this guy!" Emmett thought. "What the hell do you want?" He says as he bravely moves forward.

And suddenly a light that shined brighter in his pocket flashed. "Pooh! Miranda is that you!" Lucas closes in and takes a big breath. Emmett expected him to be kind of horrified by her death but...

"Oh no worries, I didn't want that woman to help me anyway..." He laughed hysterically with some... Hissing sound... They didn't know his heartlessness goes this far. "Stop talking and Fight us old man!" Emmett shouted with all his might.

"Oh?" He laughs with the ohohoh. "Who said I'm gonna fight you?" He disappeared into a band of bats. They fly into the sky together, once again letting in the sunlight! "Bye bye!" They heard a legion of bats say that in unison. Once again they see the afternoon sun and the big portal up front, which was just a mile away. "... Ugh, so who are we fighting?" Walter drops his sword and scratches his hair. "Walt... Um... How do we get her down?" Emmet says as Phemie was chained by ordinary metal. (Sorry for abruptly taking away the adrenaline...)

"Athiria... Could you do some magic?" Walt says with pretty please eyes. " I don't have enough magic... I only have a little enough for first aid spells..." She looks down. But then a sound from what seems like and opening elevator door startles them.

"Oh? So... It's my turn?" The pink chef goes out from the elevator. "Get ready for moi, Madame et Messieurs!" He poses in a pretty little princess stance with his squeak like mini scream. "Ugh... Guys, whose this?" Emmett asks, feeling like he was about to fall.

"Je m'appelle..." "ENGLISH!" Athiria shouts.
"Oh... I didn't kno..." "I TOLD YOOUU!" Athiria screamed. He took in a deep sigh.
"I am Jean Armstrong! The third evil master of Oblivion!" The three of them laughed. "... Feel my wrath! Teehee!"

He waves up a pink frying pan and dances around. Doing somersaults and backflips and ending with a split. "Summon Evil! Bûche de nöel diable!" They gave a standing ovation but not expecting what was next...

A giant log treant full of mushrooms appeared! It threw candies at them and it hurt. "Waaaaaah!" Walt cries as he attempts to break the glass floor. "There's no use! I don't have enough magic for protection." They were running trying to dodge for the sake of their lives. "Wait... Bûche de nöel? That's what my mom cooks on Christmas!" Emmett shouted. (Geez, there's a lot of shouting in this chapter... His mom must be proud of me)

"Oh la la, Mon dieu! You're mother has quite the taste!" The chef was now sitting on a chaise reading a magazine.
"Too bad, I'm beating her son up... Hahahahah!"

They didn't notice, but Phemie woke up a while ago. Enough was heard for her to say  "Mom! Do you remember Hungry?!" Phemie screams. "What?!" Athiria screams back still dodging candy.

"When we couldn't finish our food, you just summoned him and he ate it all up! He only requires half of the magic you have, remember?!" Phemie shouts, nearly losing her breath after...

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