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Rosa kept nervously moving back and forth whispering-"What are we going to do?"

Deja-"I dont know , but maybe you should relax before you draw attention to us."

Rosa stopped and sat on the ground.

Suddenly we started to hear loud pounding foot steps enter the house.

It was Caitlyn angrily destroying the house and shouting-"I WILL F****** KILL THEM ALL."

Dillan loudly whispers-"Are we hiding in the killer's house?"

Caitlyn then joyfully entered the basement and responded-"I think you did."

Dillan awkwardly asks-"Oh , so where is the nearest exit?"

Caitlyn smiled and said-"Oh I see you have jokes.Do you know what goes well with jokes?"

Dillan-"Um comebacks?"


Dillan awkwardly says -"Am not sure if thats a good combination."

Caitlyn starts to walk toward us. I quickly stand in front of everyone with the machette ready for battle.

Caitlyn-"Oh you want to fight? I dont think you'll win."

Deja-"As long as my friends live am fine , am tired of running."

Caitlyn-"I would kill you right now , but I think the truth will hurt you the most."


Caitlyn looks at Hampton and says-"Tell her Hampton"

Deja-"Tell me what?"

Caitlyn shouts at Hampton-"Tell her now."

Hampton-"Caitlyn is my brother , but I honestly have nothing to do with the murders . After he butchered my parents , he's all I had. He allowed me to go to school , I tried to escape but he kept catching me. I wont allow him to hurt you guys."

Caitlyn-"And how will you stop me? You were weak from the beginning , and am tired of dealing with your P**** actions."

Caitlyn picked up a sharp knife and handed it to Hampton and said -"Kill Deja or I'll kill you."

Hampton-"How about I kill you."

Caitlyn laughed and said-"You dont even have the balls to kill a fly."

Caitlyn then tried to punch Hampton , but Hampton ducked the punch and stabbed him in his stomach. Caitlyn fell flat to the floor.

We then ran outside into the eye blinding sun rise and kept running towards the woods entrance to leave.

Hampton then stopped in pain , he reached his hand to me , but I ignored him.

Hampton-"Am sorry"

Deja-"F*** your sorry"

Dillan-"What the F*** bro ?I thought we were boys , why would you even let us come here?"

Hampton-"Caitlyn was plotting to kill you ,Brittany, Zaria and Jeff if I did'nt bring you guys here."

Dillan-"That does'nt make any sense."

Hampton-"None of this does , but I killed Caitlyn to keep you guys safe. Do you guys forgive me?"

Dillan-"I forgive you"


Hampton stears at me and asked-"Do you forgive me?"

Deja-"No I dont , I want nothing to do with you after we are done with all of this"

Rosa-"Deja forgiveness is key to a happy life"

Deja-"Shut up Rosa , I saved your life but that does'nt mean I want anything to do with you guys. Am out of here."

As I turned my back to start to leave, there was Caitlyn standing At the entrance with a identical machette shouting-"YOU THINK YOU CAN KILL ME? AM DEATH IN THE FLESH."

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