Kiss Me

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Hi Everyone! Dylan here. If you don't know I gained a girlfriend this year even though she's the only girl I've been attracted to. But I just want to post this one shot of me and her. She wrote this for me and I really like it so I posted it here thanks to Enchancer97  for writing this awesomeness. Well here is the works of art from a beautiful young woman.


A One Shot to the one I love ❤

"Settle down with me.

Cover me up,

Cuddle me in.

Lie down with me,

And hold me,

In your arms. . ."

- Ed Sheeran ; 'Kiss Me'


Rain poured heavily outside of the house, raindrops pitter-pattering against the windowpane. I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling, Dylan lying adjacent to me.

"There's nothing to dooo!" I groaned. "All our plans are ruined because of the damn weather!" I sighed, running my hand through my hair a couple of times. Dylan just laughed, pulling me closer to him.

"You're cute when you're mad." he giggles, "I think I know how to make this rainy day a little less boring."

"What do you have in mind, Genius?" I reply sarcastically, thinking it had something involved with One Direction or pancakes or something.

He gets up from his lain position and strides over to the record player. We never really use it, only when I'm in need of alone time and I put on a Beatles or Stones album.

"Since when did you want to use the record player?" I ask, sitting up. Dylan doesn't respond. Instead, he takes the needle and places it on the record, and the song, Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran fills the room.

"Since I wanted to make you stop complaining." he chuckles, "And I know you like Ed Sheeran, so I thought of us just staying in and listening to music. Y'know?"

I nodded, "Yeah, babe. I know."

He pulls me close to him as I hear his heartbeat; thunder bellowing outside of our Alabama home shaking the house. I wasn't scared, because I had Dylan by my side.

The rain pouring, thunder bustling, soft music and light sighs was enough to die in happiness; this moment was so perfect, I could fall asleep to it.

"And your heart's pressed against my chest,

Your lips pressed to my neck,

I'm falling your eyes,

But they don't know me yet.

And with this feeling I'll forget,

I'm in love now. . ."

- Ed Sheeran ; 'Kiss Me'


"You're beautiful," Dylan mumbled into my ear, "you know that right?" he ran his hand through my hair; kissing my cheek.

"Well now I do," I giggle, turning my head to face him as I look into hazel eyes. I never get tired of looking into them. When he gets happy, they turn into an almost honey-brown color. His smile lifts up all the sadness engulfed into my heart and I grin like an idiot.

What can I say? I fall in love with him every single day.

"Kiss me,

Like you wanna be loved,

You wanna be loved.

You wanna be loved.

This feels like,

Falling in love,

Falling love. . ."

- Ed Sheeran ; 'Kiss Me'


"This is nice," I mumbled as the guitar began to strum, Ed's voice quietly filling my ears as I wrapped my arm around Dylan's waist, my right leg on top of his own legs.

"It is." he says, closing his eyes for a brief moment. "And I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Settle down with me,

And I'll be your safety,

You'll be my lady. . ."

- Ed Sheeran ; 'Kiss Me'


Something hit the rooftop of our house, and instantly my heart jolted out of my chest. I began to panic, and all I could do was scream.

"It's okay babe," Dylan assures me, "It's okay."

"Hold me." I say, panicking. "I don't know what the fuck that is, but I'm scared."

"Quit cussing!" Dylan whined, "And I'm not letting go." he pulls me on top of him so I'm now lying on top of his chest.

"You promise?" I smirk.

He rolls his eyes playfully, "I promise, boo."

He kisses my nose and rubs circles on my back. With a sigh, I close my eyes and fall asleep to the sound of rain, Ed Sheeran's voice and the sound of my lover's beautiful drum that is his heartbeat.

And I wouldn't change it for the world. . .


Hey you!

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