OMG he knows my name !!

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Hey everybody !!

Hope you enjoy this next chapter


p.s its not proof read properly so there could be capital letter issues.


Throughout the whole week i couldnt stop thinking about the makeover it was happening this weekend so i was really excited. No-one new about it not even my brother not that he would care, my parents who were away on another business trip didnt even no so it is going to be a big shock to them when they come home next month. 

The week went pretty quick, nothing eventful happened besides me being verbally abused and laughed at (no surprise there).


It was now friday afternoon in english, the teacher was blabbing on about a book report that was due in on monday which ive already done, and yet again i was thinking of my plan for this weekend...

I was going to go to the mall at 9 o clock right when they open, it shouldnt be to busy. Then i was going to go and spent all the birthday money, christmas money and allowance that i had been saving, to buy a whole new wardrobe, but this time my clothes will be designer and really cool, im also going to buy make-up for the first time, after that i was going to go to the hairdressers, im going to dye my hair a mahogany/ red colour and i am getting it cut into a messy bob. I am so excited.


The class finished then, and i didnt even realise the bell had rung. I started walking out of class and out of the school to find Aaron but i heard shouting coming from behind the back of the school. This is were my nosieness kicks in, i started walking towards the sound and stopped just around the corner so i was close enough to hear but futher away so they couldnt see or hear me.

" but why him Rachel" it sounded like Adam speaking

" there is nothing going on between me an Dan, Adam" replyied Rachel

"oh dont act so dum with me, your stupid act might fool everyone else but not me Rachel, i saw you two together" shouted Adam, was Rachel cheating on him. I knew he was to good for her.

"please Adam believe me, its not like that" begged Rachel

"Rachel just shut up, i no about you and Dan there is no denying that i saw you two together, i think we should just brake up, you obviously dont love me enough to be honest with me" sighed Adam

"Adam pleas- "

"just go" adam interupted Rachels pleading  

Rachel ran off in the opposite direction crying, and Adam started walking towards me.

Oh No.... Run!!!

"Ellie" OMG he knows my name

"uhhhh yeah" i replied

"did you here that" he answered looking me straight in the eyes

"uhhh yeah but i- i think i should uhh just leave now. Aaron will be waiting for me" and with that i jogged towards the car not even looking back.



I hope you liked it ...i know i said that the makover was going to be in this chapter but i just got carried away writing that i completly forgot,

but i promise that the makover will be in the next chapter

thanks ..... vote, comment, fan me please

lots of love


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