Chapter 7: The Trials Of Resolve Part 1

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Authors Note: I have thought about putting this into a singular part instead of having it as two like on But I feel that preservation of how it was done is needed here, and therefore, it shall stay two parts.

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."

–John Quincy Adams

Chapter 7: The Trials of Resolve Part 1


The cold, gloomy, forsaken atmosphere of this void was getting to him.

Every day, every hour, every minute, it was the same. The exact same "weather."  Nothing changed, besides the large rock-like islands that flowed and floated throughout the abyss. What made them float? He didn't know. Dreams normally defied logic, that he knew. But this wasn't exactly a dream where he had free reign. The dragon looked ahead, what he saw was a large, abandoned fortress-like castle. He narrowed his eyes at the place as his thoughts became occupied by the mere image of that fortress. Numerous times he tried to escape though that fortress. And all those attempts ended up in complete, miserable failures. It was hard. The last obstacle was always the part he could never overcome because of its clever methods. That last obstacle was the darkness that took control of his body and trapping him within his mental conscious. It watched every moment he tried, whether he was outside of the fortress or not. The dragon wondered how much has changed since he had last seen Warfang, or the Dragon Realms really. It seemed like a faraway memory, his parents, and his brother. He didn't even know if his sibling survived the war.

Or if he simply was living his life now, in the cave. Unaware of the past or possibly present danger. It made him feel ashamed. He should have tried harder, to escape Cynder before having this darkness injected and achieving dominant control of his actions. Maybe he could have met his sibling then, if only. The dragon's last memory of his sibling was when he was a hatchling. He had to leave his brother before he could do more than care for him for those couple of weeks. Because, by then, the darkness was almost completely in control of his body. He had to leave before he lost control and ended up exterminating his own race. That thought still bothered him, although, not as much when it first hit him. The dragon idly scratched the black stone-like floor beneath him, he began to scheme once more. He needed to try, the dragon knew his opponent was at an impasse. It couldn't kill him as it would make it lose its host body. It just had to stop him from freeing himself. So that gave him the unpredictable time limit that was set and the freedom to scheme all he wanted. That was the good part about this... imprisonment.

"Here we are again Novac. Scheming to escape once again son?" a voice said in a soft whisper behind him. The dragon turned around to see another dragon, a white one.

"Maybe, father... If I wasn't such a failure," he replied in gloom.

"Don't say that..."

"It's true! You've seen me fail countless times here. You know I've failed in caring my sibling! I don't even know whether or not it's alive..." Novac replied angrily, raising this voice. He let out a cry of frustration and stared once more at the floor.

"Your brother. He's alive, son." His father said a moment later.

Novac smiled sadly, calming himself as sadness poured and dulled his thoughts. "So, another son. Aren't you disappointed?"

Solris smiled back. "Eh. Not really, I was fine with either way. I would've preferred a daughter, though." The dragon chuckled at the statement.

The two looked at each other. Solris said, "You're the eldest of the family alive now, take care of your brother when you break out. Will you?"

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