chapter 1

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"But you will missing the only girls day, allie" debby whined, emphasizing on ' only girls day'.

" If you meant to make my ears bleed, I think you just succeeded", I said trying not to smile at her while I continued to rummage through the mess in my locker for my pocket book.

"Do you ever clean that thing?" she asked, eyeing my locker.

I looked at the mess that only I can create in one week. Well, what can I say? I do have extraordinary talents.

"Would you believe me if I said yes?"

" You think?" she asked, giving me an incredulous look.

I pondered over this for some time.

"Don't change the topic. You were talking about the girls day"

"Yes, come over" she said

I sighed, taking a few books out of my locker and shaking them to see if the book was in between them.

"My parents and I are going to my grandparents' for dinner, and you know how serious they are about these. They will never let me miss it", I pointed out, knowing that she knows very well that I'm saying the truth.

" So, Believe me when I say that even though I Wanna come, which I do,I can't" I reasoned hoping she would give it up.

" Okay" she said

Aannnd she surprisingly did.

" Why don't you just tell them that my parents are fighting again and I really need my friend" she suggested.

I gave her a blank look, implying that they would never buy it, which seemed to do the work faster.

"Fine" she sighed at the same time as I shouted "math", which earned a few confused glances from students passing by and debby.

"Math. I found my schedule. I have math after lunch." I said, waving my pocket book in front of her, in which I had written all my important school stuff.

"Now, come on. I'm starving." I said, pulling her along by the arm as I made my way towards the school cafeteria when a troubling thought struck me.

"Debby?" I hesitated. I knew this was a touchy subject and I had already disappointed her by not having the 'girls day' at her place.

"Allie?" she brought me back to my senses."You were going to say something?" she said raising her eyebrows, giving me the 'will you continue already' look.

I decided to get straight to the point, knowing by experience that she would just get more frustrated if I started beating around the bush.

"Did you mean it when you said your parents started fighting again?" I asked .

"When did they ever stop?" she muttered under her breath.

I frowned in confusion. I remember the day like it happened a few hours ago when she came to school not looking so tired and broken after like forever.

Just when we were about pack our bags to skip school and go search for her, she entered the class, her dark hair brushed neatly and her green eyes not looking as tired and puffy. She searched the class when her eyes fell on me and she smiled. She actually smiled. All of us had the same stunned look on our faces. I was the first one to recover. I grinned, the smile twice as big as hers. She came over to us, ignoring Samantha and Ken's still stunned faces.

"Hey" she said, the hint of sadness in her voice less noticeable. She wasn't as cheery as before but anyone could see that this was a great improvement.

"What's with the smiles? What happened? " Sam asked, giving in to her curiosity. I glared at her. It was after a long time that she had started talking and she was screwing it up already.

"Nothing important" she said, like it was nothing.

But I knew there was something she wanted to tell me and was waiting for the time no one would listen her. I gave her a questioning look as mr Collins came in and everyone took their seats.

"Remember the time I told you my mom and dad might start living separately and I would have to stay with my mom?" she asked and I nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"I think they changed their mind" she said a glint of happiness evident in her eyes. Words couldn't describe how glad I was hearing and seeing this. I had missed this part of her for two years, when all I saw was a robot in her, set to come sit in every class then leave without a word.

"I think they were just pretending for me after...." She trailed off.

Breathing heavily for a few times, she continued.

"It's worse now. I don't think what little they have between them will last for long"

I was going to say something to make her feel better but I realized that we had reached the table and I knew she wouldn't want everyone to know about this.

"Hey guys" she chirped taking a seat, her cheerydemeanor back again. Soon she was engaged in a conversation with Ken. I lookedat her smiling widely at the electric blue eyed boy, knowing that it wasfake. Even though I missed the timeswhen she used to be the happy Barbie of the class, I knew that this is what wecan get for a few years after the accident and I also knew that her parents'break up will affect her worse than before. And a thirteen year old definitelydid not deserve this.

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