chapter 3

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"Go away"I mumbled into my pillow,my voice sluggish from sleep.
"Wake up" Debby said, crossing her arms and looking down at me.
I put my pillow over my head, hoping it would block her voice.
Nope not working.
"Come on, we are supposed to go to Nash's house remember?"
" Don't care"
"Don't you want to finish the project"
''Does it take a genius to know that I prefer sleep" I muttered, irritation seeping into my voice.
"Words are not going to wake you up, are they?"she asked.
"Hey look, your diary is out. I have always wondered what you write_"
"Hey there, you were saying?'' I said, jumping off the bed and grabbing the brown book from her hands.
"Finally. Get ready, we should be there in twenty minutes."
After a quick shower I put on my jeans and a T-shirt that I had painted Harry Potter on with his scar right below it.
"I'm ready" I said, after brushing my hair and tying it in a high ponytail.
We made our way downstairs when mom opened the front door wearing her gardening outfit which was covered in layers of wet soil and dirt at the moment.

"Hey mom, how was your trip to the underground world?"
"Good, had a great chat with the little ants and earthworms" she said in a dry voice while brushing off an ant on her sleeve
"Where are you two going"
"Riley's place"I said as I tried to make my way around mom without getting mud on myself
"Kay, have fun "
We got out of the house and walked in silence for a few moments until I broke it
" oh no"
"What" she asked, her eyes still on the road.
"My bag, I forgot my bag"
She shot an exasperated look at me"Alie_"
"No way, don't even try.I'm not going to go without it"
She scoffed. "I gave up trying that a long time ago. I was going to say that I got it. Put everything inside when you were taking a shower."

I grinned at her
"You know me too well, Deborah "
She narrowed her eyes at me and was going to say something when I cut her off

"We're here"

"Barry, get off the phone, will you? You have been on it forever"
"15 minutes is not forever Nash" he rolled his eyes and muttered a goodbye to whoever he was talking to.

"Who were you talking to?" Debby asked looking up from the book she was referring when he mumbled something that sounded like mom

Nash scoffed."Two days and you miss her already?"

"What do you mean" Debby asked.

"His mom and dad are moving out of town so he will be living here" I said, my eyes glued to the mess of sketches and letters that were Nash's notes

''And how did you get to know about that?" I heard Barry asking me
I shrugged " I have sources"

"Namely her grandma's gossip team" Debby muttered beside me.

It had been about three hours since we came here. Most of the project was completed. We just needed about a half hour more to complete it. Barry was lying on the bed while Debby and I were seated on the floor. Nash was spinning on his wheelchair around us was a mess oh papers, pens and pencils, and other stuff. Cleaning this up later would take a lot of time. Hopefully, Debby and I would be out before that.

After twenty hours of working and silence, it was broken by a
"Finally its done"

I scowled at my best friend "you just endured three hours of the torture, we went through a day and three hours of it"
''Hence the title friends"
"Well friends also help each other so come help us clean the room instead of just standing there and arguing" Nash said.

"Oh, about that. We can't stay, mom asked me to come early today" I said looking at my watch. I couldn't come up with a better one at the moment but this one did seem to do the work. Although Nash did shoot me a suspicious look which I decided to ignore.
"Actually, my mom did" Debby piped in.
"She did?" She widened her eyes at me
"I mean, of course she did. So um we'll get going"

I rushed out of the room before they could say anything, pulling her and my sling bag along.

We went downstairs and I shouted a goodbye to Riley in the kitchen on the way to the front door.

"Hold on a sec, where are you going?"
"Home"I turned round to face her. She was wearing a red flowery apron on her usual home attire. Her hands were hidden under a layer of flour.

"Your mom called. She's going out. Asked you to stay here till she come back"
I looked up stretching my hands towards the roof and said "why god, why"

"Hmm, funny I thought her mother told her to come early today"
Barry said right behind me, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at me while Nash made his way towards the fridge to burry his head into it.

Riley stared at me for a few seconds and then turned to Nash and asked "do you have cleaning up to do"
"Yup a lot" he answered his head still hidden behind the refrigerator door

"And I'm so excited to join in" I said sarcasm etched into my voice.
"Your sarcasm__"
"Is the lowest form of wit" I interrupted.
He gave me a strange look. I shrugged and said "just felt like saying it"

"Well that explains everything. No TV until your room is clean." Riley said pulling Nash out of the fridge and closing the door.
"Whaat" Barry said strangely sounding like a minion.
"Well you'll have Alice's help if you do it now"

"Whaat" I said , trying my best to imitate him.
3 seconds of silence.
"I don't sound like that"
"You do in my head"

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