chapter 4

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"That was worse than doing the project" Nash grumbled as he sat himself on his bed.
I looked around, satisfied, at the room that was hidden under a mess an hour ago. Everything was in place except for my bag which I had dropped behind the door when I came back upstairs. "So what are we going to do now" I asked as I sat on the bed too, sinking into the soft mattress.

"Movies?" Barry suggested

"Horror" Nash said before I could answer.

"Nope". Both heads turned towards me.

"Why not. Are you scared" Barry asked, a smile tugging on his lips.


"Really? Then why don't you want to watch them"he asked.

"I just gave you the reason. I'm not scared of them."

"What?" They both asked in sync."How is that supposed to be a reason?" Nash asked

"Horror movies lose their thrill when the pop ups don't scare you.The stories are not that interesting anyway."I had watched my first horror movie at Debby's house when I was 9. I think it was The Ring which was kinda good. But I lost my taste for them soon after that one. All of them included a person getting murdered and the ghost or zombie or whatever they would turn into wanting revenge on the murderer.

"Well, what do you want to watch then" Nash asked. Again I was interrupted before I could answer.

"oh I know. Let's watch Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" Barry suggested.

Nash scowled at his cousin "There is no way I'm going to watch that one again. You made me watch it thrice in this month. I don't get what you like so much about it."

"You can make food appear out of thin air with magic. What's not to love about that?"Barry said."you need cupcakes? You get cupcakes" he continued, gesturing towards the door.

I was going to tell him that even with magic food couldn't be conjured out of thin air and could only be summoned or increased in quantity when the door burst open and Riley entered the room balancing two plates filled with cupcakes.

I gaped at Barry and then the door and then at Riley and the cupcakes.

"You need fifty hundred dollars? You get fifty hundred dollars." I said, gesturing towards the door just like Barry did.

"That's kinda greedy" Riley said, setting the plates on the table.

"Who thinks about greedy when they are sitting in a front of a magic door that gives them anything they ask for" I asked her, taking a cupcake.

She stared at me for a few seconds and then turned towards the door."Okay, I don't know if you actually work but could you give me the boots on sale I saw this morning"

"Of all the things you could ask for, you go for boots?"I muttered before taking a bite of the heavenly food in my hands.

"First plate, called it" Nash mumbled while chewing on his cupcake.

"I'm taking the second one" Barry said taking a big bite out of his cupcake

"I'm taking half of both the plates" I stated.

"That's more than what we get" Barry pointed out.

"Wow, you know math?" I asked raising my eyebrows and faking my surprise

He narrowed his eyes at me, mid chew. I stuck my tongue out at him and continued eating, drowning my taste buds in chocolate and cream when the phone rang.

Riley rushed to get it and spoke to whoever it was for a couple of minutes while we enjoyed the cupcakes.

"Al, you mom is home. She wants you to go back now. She has some place to go to" Riley said and left the room.

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