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Author's Note: A fucking meme named Julian (SirFrenchFries) Was Here Lol (FUCKING HELL JULIAN STOP TRYING TO WRITE SHiT)

The reader's gender can be either! I will use they/them pronouns when other characters are referring to them. 


You are a 15-16 year old living in Gravity Falls, Oregon. You've lived her nearly your entire life. Nothing ever really seems to change, same diner, same creepy shack in the woods, same old guy in the dump, just same old same old. But this summer was..strange. Ever since those twins came here, it's been as said before, strange. So much has happened. You wish you could talk to the twins, hell you don't even know their names. You would love to get to know them better. But sadly you were too shy to talk to them. 

Although....you have seen weirder things and heard creepy sounds in the woods, and that's pretty close to that shack where they seem to live. 

Maybe you should go check it out?

Maybe you shouldn't who knows what will happen?


You begin to walk into the forest very carefully, wearing your (F/C) hood over your head due to the rain. It's pouring, you're surprised your parents let you go out. But nevertheless you were able to get out of that damn house. 

Those sounds you heard from before are even creepier when heard up close. You tried not to let it bother you, but you couldn't stop yourself from wanting to follow it. You finally gave into the temptations and ran in the path the sounds were coming from. 


Author's note:

So this is just the intro so I don't want to get too into it. I'll be writing the first chapter soon!

Feel free to suggest something as well, also some feedback....please. I know this is bad that's why I need help.

Co edditor note:

Was messed with by previously mentioned SirFrenchofFries 

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