-Chapter 2

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I was sitting on the porch of the shack looking at the sky, it looked great out here. It was nice and quiet. Well for a bit until someone came running up to the shack. They looked really tired, as if they had ran for hours. "Uh...who are-" I was interrupted "S-Sorry if I'm bothering you b-but. Oh god, how do I even explain w-what just happened..." They asked me. "What do you mean? You've seen a demon or something.."

"Yes actually! I-I was in the clearing in the w-woods and I fainted then this demon triangle thing tried talking to me an-and" They sputtered out, they spoke faster than before. "Wait a minute...T-TRIANGLE?!" I shouted a bit scared. "S-So you do know who I'm talking about??" 

"Yes he's been terrorizing me all summer!" 

"I need to find out h-how to meet him again!"

"Summon Bill?! Are you crazy?" 

"There's more I want to know! This town has been so different, ever since you and your sister came here!"

"Y-You know who I am?"

"Obviously! The whole town knows who you two are!" 

I was actually really shocked about this, the whole town? I mean I knew some of the town did..not the whole town.

"Well I just never knew your names..." 

"Oh..I'm Dipper. Dipper Pines." I introduced myself nervously.

"Nice to formally meet you, Dipper. I'm (Y/N)!" It was nice to finally know their name. But still they wanted to summon Bill and I can't let them learn how. I just have to hide the journals, I might also have to keep them away from that clearing. 

"A-Anyway as I was saying...I need to see Bill again, something is telling me that I have to.." They went on. "He probably the reason you are thinking that!" I pointed out, he most likely has the ability to do that.. "But h-he was sort of pushing me away, and he seemed mad! I doubt he'd want me back there!" 

"Then why do you need to summon him?!"

"Like I said i-it feels like I have to.." They sounded so upset but I really don't understand why, a demon just got mad at them yet they want to see him again? They make no sense but I honestly feel bad for them. 'Maybe I should help them...'  I thought to myself. I was shocked that I would even think that! This person could be possessed by Bill, this could be a trick! 'Their eyes didn't look how Bill's did when he took control of my body..'  I pointed out to myself.

"Um..Dipper?" Their voice caught me of guard. "You alright?" (Y/N) asked. "Um I'm fine!" I stammered. "You went really quiet for a bit there.."I didn't realize I was thinking for that long.  

"So about summoning Bill..." They went on. "..I'm guessing you won't help me?" "I mean, I would, but Bill is a dangerous demon! I can't let you make a deal with him!" I said in a worried tone. "I'm not going to make a deal with him...wait what do you mean by that?" They asked, I sighed. I couldn't let them do this, but I guess I could at least Great Uncle Ford to. They'll probably understand...



Sorry for taking such a long time to update! I just got really busy lately.

And I wasn't sure what to write for this chapter in the first place-

Oh boy the next chapter is going to be even fucking harder--


Proof read by SirFrenchofFries so any thing wrong can be blamed on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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