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Blaze's wrist still stung from Vincent's hot grip, but he ignored the pain as he helped Kayden to her feet. She looked startled, her green eyes wide and her hair in dark messy strands. "Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded, her eyes on the smoking floor. "Yeah."

"I can't believe they were illusions," Helio said, looking visibly shaken. "They were so good."

Blaze felt sick to his stomach. Helio was right—the illusions were good—but Blaze was the illusion guy. He should have guessed that Marie and Vincent were illusions from the moment Vincent had seen through the glamour on the office door so easily. No, he scolded himself. I should have known way before that.

If I had noticed earlier, I could have stopped everything.

Walter took a few more steps into the cluttered office. "Are you four all right?"

"What did you do to them?" Lexi whispered, staring at the smoking floor. She clenched Helio's hand, digging her nails into his flesh.

"A particle-disassembling spell. Works with illusions and really tough glamours. Can also be a wimpy attack spell, if need be," Walter said, flexing his fingers. "Wow, I can still feel the tingle. I still have never figured out why they turn blue though..."

"How did you know they were illusions?" Blaze blurted out.

Walter looked at him funnily. "I didn't. I heard a scream." Walter pulled a full carton of white chalk out of his trouser pockets. "I always keep a few pieces of chalk on me at all times. For emergencies. So I drew a quick rune and came in to see what was going on." He pulled a few pieces out of the container and tossed them to everyone. "I'm surprised none of you were carrying anything. Better to be safe than sorry."

Blaze caught the chalk, feeling a wash of relief. It was amazing how much safer he felt with a few pieces of white chalk in his grip. After Naven had stripped him of all of his writing utensils, he had felt exposed, like a turtle without its shell. "Thanks."

"Take mine," Kayden said, passing him the chalk she had received.

"No, no, no!" Walter said, shaking his head. "Keep it for yourself. Never know when it might come in handy."

"Oh. Okay," Kayden said, pocketing the chalk awkwardly.

Walter's gaze swept over them, looking slightly wary. "So, who's after you?"

"Russ Naven," Helio said darkly.

"And he's after you because you cast a Bonding Oath with a non-er?"

His words were greeted with stunned silence. Blaze struggled to keep his face expressionless. He was certain that he had never told Walter that Kayden was a non-er. "I don't know what you mean," he said carefully.

"I'm sure you do," Walter said, gesturing to Lexi. "And she's possibly one as well, but I'm not quite sure. And I apologize for pointing; I realized I've never caught your names."

Blaze introduced everyone quickly, but never took his eyes off the old man. "How did you know about Kayden?"

Walter waggled the box of chalk in his hand; the pieces clanked against each other. "She wanted to give you her piece. The only reason she'd do that was if she didn't need it. And I'm pretty sure Russ Naven wouldn't come after you for just casting a spell. It had to be serious. Like doing business with a non-er." He held up his hands and shook his head. "Not that there's anything wrong with being a non-er."

"Was your wife a non-er?" Kayden asked.

Blaze was surprised by the question, and Walter looked the same. After a moment's pause, he said, "No, she was not. She was quite a talented potestas. We met at a Conservationists of the Structure of Magic meeting."

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