The Gavel (A Soul Reaper Story)

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            A ripple sound coming from a nearby pond was the only noise that can be heard in the dead night. There were stray cats lurking the abandoned park which was graced with damped grass and scattered leaves being blown by the ragging wind. An overturned bin which was full of garbage littered the pathway leading to an old wishing well. A lone person sat on the ground, his back leaning on an old statue of a small girl. He was so close to death, small ragged breaths would escape his mouth as he waits for death to greet him, he would welcome it with arms wide open like it was family awaiting for his arrival. He was clutching his side where blood streams freely, the scarlet liquid felt warm in his hands. A tear escaped his left eye as he wince at the throbbing wound he was holding, attempting but failing to stop the blood from running out of his side. A gust of wind blew in his direction making him shiver, a storm was fast approaching and here he sat, waiting for death to take over his wasted body.

           A light appeared atop the old wishing well that was adjacent to the person that is inches away from death. He suddenly looked up to see a very beautiful angel clad in a black dress, her hair was the deepest shade of red, her skin porcelain-cream like, eyes that you can compare to a molten mercury and her ash-colored wings that look so majestic in the night. She was holding a long stick with a blade on its end, a scythe. Her wings were fluttering making her float and stand out from the rest. She was intently looking at the person that she was about to fetch, her eyes twinkling making the stars cower away in shame.

         "It is time for you to depart Sev." The angel said in the most sweetest but creepiest voice he had ever heard. She outstretched her hand taking the young mans blood-drenched hand. As they both floated away -his hands still clasped with the angels' slender ones- he looked back down to see his own unmoving body slumped on the cold and wet pavement.

         "Who are you?" He managed to choke out as his throat became dry with the mishap he recently was involved with. The angel looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile.

        "Don't be afraid. I am Sierra, a Death Angel or what you should have guessed, a Soul Reaper. I've come to take your soul." She replied with a small tug at his hand. He looked down to himself and noticed that the blood that stained his shirt was no longer there, his hands were also cleaned, not a single sight of the scarlet liquid that minutes before dirtied his hands.

        "Where are we going?" He asked as they continued to float. He could see the skyscrapers and the busy street of Triston City. Lights linger the buildings while they passed by them.

       "To the place where you can choose your path."

      "Whoa, so you mean I can choose if I want to go to heaven or hell?" He questioned quite surprised. Sierra let out a giggle and slightly shook her head.

      "As much as we all wanted that, no. This place we are going is a place where you can choose if you want to continue your journey as a soul. The Master will judge if you're worthy to pass the gates of heaven if not, you will go to hell but if you want to continue to be like a living being, you can choose the path I am in, a soul reaper." She finished giving him yet another smile.

     "Cool!" He exclaimed. Sierra just smiled at Sev and they continued their journey to the land of the departed souls. "So, do I also get to have a scythe?" asked Sev.

     "That depends on your rank, dear." She replied using her sweet voice, a voice that would make Sev shiver. He stayed quiet the whole time, sometimes glancing at the beautiful lady whose hand was intertwined with his. "When we get there, you'll meet the Master. Don't worry, he's very gentle with new souls." Sierra spoke making Sev snap out from his trance.

    "I'll meet God?" He asked. His voice full of surprise and fear. Sierra shook her head and gave him a sad smile.

    "I'm afraid not. Only the angels and the souls that are allowed to pass the gates of heaven are the ones that can meet him." Explained Sierra. The sad smile still gracing her pink lips.

    "So you have met Him?" Asked Sev with pure curiousity.

    "No. Only real angels have seen and spoken to him. The Master will explain everything to you." And with that the conversation died.

    As he roam his eyes around where now he could see an open field of corns, several bizarre thoughts entered his mind. He could not grasp the fact that he was dead merely seconds ago, he was sure that he was going to die. Now, he was here floating above the earth as if he was some super human and a reaper came to fetch his soul. A Soul Reaper that he pictured in his mind when he thirteen that has skeleton for a body dressed in black robes with a sand glass in hand and the other with a scythe. His smirked at the thought, At least I'm right about the 'scythe' thing.

      "We're here." Sierra announced. He snapped out and looked around to see that they where at a garden filled with every kind of flower. Sev chuckled at the sight. Typical.

     "Ah, Miss Sierra. You've accomplished your task faster than I thought. Brilliant, is this Sev?" An old man clad in gray dress-like clothes with brown sandals to protect his feet from the harsh ground asked as his hand motioned at the young man's direction. He has silver-colored hair and a long beard that end just above his stomach. His eyes were the color of the deepest part of the ocean but he doesn't have any wings or a scythe.

      "Yes Master, he was very much obedient. And very query." She replied. Sierra gave a sweet smile to both, took off and disappeared into thin air leaving Sev with the Master.

       "Sebastian Val Goodwillow?" He asked, making sure that they got the right person. Sev cringed hearing his full name. The Master notice and let out a chuckle. "It seems you don't like your name. Ah, parents really are weird when naming their kids. Come." He beckoned Sev to sit in a bench. Sev obliged and the Master sat next to him and produced a big brown tattered book out of thin air. "Hmm, Sebastian Val Goodwillow of Huild Drive, Triston City." The Master read from the book, Sev gave a nod at the old man even though he said his full name again. "April 6, 1994, 17 years old." Sev nodded again. "You've lived your life to the fullest as what've I seen here, although," The Master paused as his eyes scanned Sev's page. Sev gulped loudly making his Adam's apple move. "What you did in your life is not what we would have wanted for you to live it. Actually, not what we would want for everyone to do."

      "Uh, I can explain-"

     "Don't worry Sev, we do know exactly what's been happening with your life." The Master cut in. Sev sat on his side unblinking.

     "We?" Asked Sev. The Master grinned at him and patted his black haired head.

     "I, Miss Sierra, she was your Guardian and God himself." the Master replied. "Now, if you would let me continue. You were killed because of a very important information you passed to your gang's rival? Betrayal is a big sin Sev. You do know what happened to Lucifer?" Sev tried to speak but he found his tongue tied. "But," Sev gulped and stared at the old man intently. "you did it to save someones life which I might add is a very risky but courageous act." Here, the Master smiled at him and he found himself releasing a long breath he didn't notice he was holding for so long.

      "What's going to happen to me?" He asked in a whisper way.

      "Well, you've done a good deed but I'm afraid to tell you that you also committed a lot of sins." The old man smiled sadly at the young man who was shaking at his side.

      "So does that mean I'm going to hell?" Asked Sev dreading the answer that would come out from the Master's lips.

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AN: Hey, this is my 2nd story here so what do you think? Sorry for the crappy english, it's not my mother language so please bear with me. Please leave a comment and tell me if you liked this story. Please I'm begging you, comment, vote or add this in your libraries. It's not that really hard.

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