It Was Only Just A Dream

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Sev sat up bolt straight in his bed as his alarm clock went off. Groaning, he slumped back on his bed and covered his body with the blue duvet he uses to cover himself from the bitterness of the wind. As he closed his eyes, realization hit him and he sat up again, wrestling with his covers which has tangled with his limbs and went directly to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water. He looked at himself through the mirror and just stared. Then, he started pinching his arms and slapping his face. It was only just a dream (AN: I love that song), only a freaking nightmare that had scared the remaining wits out of him. He let out another groan and smacked his forehead.

"Idiot." He hissed at himself. Taking the towel from the hanger, he went to the shower and took his bath since his body was now awake with all the adrenaline pumping throughout his veins. Death. He pondered while heavy drops of water were hitting his naked body. It had never crossed his mind, he was not some dude who has suicidal tendecies and would resort to slitting wrist with just some shitty problems. His life is to short so why make it shoter? Come to think of it, he doesn't even care for his life but never did he thought of killing himself, 'Live your life to the fullest'. He chuckled and finished of his shower and dried himself. 

"Sebastian, breakfast is ready." He sighed as he zipped up his pants and went to retrieve his Vans under his bed. "Sebastian Val Goodwillow!" He heard his mom shout at him from downstairs again.

"I'm coming!" He shouted back. Groaning, he slipped on his shoes and hauled his backpack and went downstairs and to their kitchen to find his father reading the daily news while sipping his black coffee, her mom busy frying up bacons and eggs and her twin sister eating some chopped fruits while going over some of her homeworks. "Morning Dad, Mom, Steph." His dad raised his mug as an act of acknowlegement, her sister looked up at him and went back to her homeworks and her mom placed a plate full of eggs, bacons and some buttered toast. "Thanks." He mumbled and he started pigging out. Hey, it might be his last meal so better die with a full stomach than die complaining about an empty stomach.

"So Sev, I heard you're dating Kailey Tawner?" He heard his sister asked. He looked at her who was still busy with her papers.

"None of your business." He replied.

"Right, because you are not my brother?" Stephanie replied sarcastically. He could really just imagine her eyes rolling as her words flowed out from her mouth.

"So what if I am? Do you have a problem with that Sis?" He asked angrily.

"No, just asking." Sev could have ripped her off if she wasn't related to him. Stephanie looked at his brother and saw his ears are going bright red. "God Sev, I was just asking. Don't get your knickers in a twist. Tyler Rason told me, you know that dude you beat up last week? He walked up to me and told me you were snogging the living daylights out from Kaylie." Steph explained. Sev let out a loud breath and a smug look was plastered on his face.

"Served him right. That jerk was trying to steal Kaylie from me anyway. Why did he walked up to you anyway? A guy wouldn't just talk to some plain girl," At this, Steph glowered at Sev. He ignored this and continued talking. "and talk about other people's relationship?" And Sev drank his hot coffee.

"He asked me out." Steph stated simply. At this, Sev sputtered and was laughing hysterically.

"Sebastian, close your mouth and stop spraying coffee on the table." Her mom scolded. His dad was still immeresed in the news and had not a single care for the twins' conversation.

"Sorry," He gave his mom a sheepish grin and turned his attention back to his sister and plastered  a smirk on his face. "Really now, and why oh why would someone actually ask you out?" Steph glowered at him.

"If you must know Sebastian, a lot of guys has asked me out and that includes James Garner, only I turned them down. I'm not a person who would date someone just because they'd spread their legs infront of me. Yes, I'm talking about you Sebastian." She said after seeing his brothers' seething reaction. "Now that we've cleared things up, I'm going." And with that, Stephanie Zane Goodwillow stood up from her chair, grabbed her homework and stuffed it in her sling bag and bade goodbye to her parents. "Oh, and Sebastian, did you know that I accepted Tyler's invitation." Sev's face was priceless and Steph left their house with a mirthling laugh.

"Damn that woman." He hissed. His dad lowered his paper and looked at his son with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"You know Sev, that was my reaction too when I found out my sister is dating. It's just brother's instinct to protect their sisters."

"Whatever." He mumbled and also stood up from his place. "I'm going, bye." He took his bag and keys from the top of their fridge and went to the door that leads to their garage where his car was parked. He got in and started the ignition and drove off.

As he was passing a curve, he saw a flash of red hair and his dream started to surface again. "Damn." And he stepped on the gas. After five minutes, he was parking his car at Kalixton High where he and his twin are studying. Getting out from his car, he was greeted by his best mate Clint.

"I saw your sister with Rason." Was the first thing that Clint told him that morning. He groaned once more, he was groaning alot today.

"Don't get me started with that." Sev let his eyes travel on the vast ground of their school and landed his eyes on a couple. He let out a frustrated sigh as he recognized them as his twin and Rason.

"You know, your sister is kinda hot." Clint said earning him death glares from Sev. That shut him up. He looked back to his sister again, and she was still locked in Rason's arms. He trained his eyes away and they landed on someone with red hair and black clothing. That person was also looking at him and was smiling sweetly at him. 'It can't be!' He rubbed his eyes and looked again but the figure has already vanished.

"Dude, you're spacing out." He felt a soft smack on his shoulder that brought him back to reality.

As he and Clint and now, a bunch of other jocks where walking to their building, his mind was still processing the woman she saw. 'No, it can't be. That's was just a figment of my imagination.' He was having an inner battle with his logical self. 'But why did it felt so real?'

AN: Well, well, well I've updated. Now, can you please leave me some review or a vote? Pweety pwease??

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2012 ⏰

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