a normal friday

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As I walked thought the hall ways, I looked for Jordan. He promised that he would be here. My body tensed as a hand touched my shoulder. ‘Busted’ I thought to myself. I slowly turned around to see Jordan’s smiling face. I couldn’t help myself from smiling too. I put my arms around him and gave him a kiss on the lips.

                “Okay you got me. Happy?” I asked in-between laughs. “Just don’t do it again. You know we shouldn’t be out in the hallways.”

                “I’ll take no notice to that second comment but to the first question, now that I’m with you, very,” he said. I staired into his dark blue eyes. Its still a mystery to me why he asked me out when so many other girls were after him.

                 We hang around until the kids coming from their last class came walking in. “Well that was a nice free period.” He said with a smile. “I’ll see you tonight at Tori’s party. See ya.” He gave me a peck on the lips then walked away.

                “Bye!” I said as people shuffled past me. I went to my locker and grabbed my books. As I walked into history11 I looked around the room. At least half of the people there were going to be at Tori’s party. I yawned as I sat down at my seat. I didn’t get home from the party last night until at least 2 am. With student council every other day, I had way too much to do.

                Mr. Cat started the classed by taking attendance. The rest of class I was half asleep and not listening. I even found myself wanting to dose off time to time. When class let out I ran into the hallway. It was the end of the school day, end of the weekdays, and end of the month. I stuffed my books into my locker and took out my math folder and health binder. Once they were shoved into my backpack, I headed for the bus.

                I sat down in the back seat. I grabbed my head phones and iPhone from my backpack. I looked around to see if Roxie was coming on, but I didn’t see her. She must have skipped school again. She's my childhood best friend but, damn, shes only came to school two days this week. I took out a compact mirror and my lipstick. What can I say, this doesn’t come naturally. I stared out the window as my bus drove down the familiar path.


                Once I got home, I told my mom that I was going to do my homework. I went to my room and collapsed on my bed. I sleepted for about an hour until Trish walked into my room. Trish is three years younger than me.  She thinks she is so cool just because she is in 8th grade. She always tries to come in my room and steal my close. But the thing is, she ‘tries’.

                “Back it up.” I said with my eyes still closed. I sat up and opened my eyes to see her with a hand full of my rings. I got up and snatched them from her hands. “What were you going to be wearing these to? Sneak out to a party?" I snorted at my own joke. Oh the irony.

                “Give them back!” she yelled as I hid them behind my back. “Mom said I can’t go shopping until I finish my project. And I don’t have the time to do that because I’m going to a movie with Amber and Whitney. So can I at least have one?”

                “No. I’m going on a date with Jordan tonight and I need all my choices in case I change my mind.” As I said this I put the rings back into my seashell holder I got from my aunt.

                “Oh you mean your dumb boyfriend!” she said then started making kissy faces at me. I started to push her out of my room and she yelled “hey stop it!!” as I pushed the door closed.

“Learn how to grow up!” I yelled thought the door. Once it was locked I saw it was time to get ready.

 I walked in and looked for the perfect party dress. I saw a black one. No I wore that last week.  A light purple one. Ugh purple is not my color why did I even buy that.  An orange one. No I am not a pumpkin thank you very much.  Then I turned and saw my favorite dress. It was multicolored ,blue purple red and orange, with an aztec pattern.  I slid it on, it had short sleeves and reached just above my knees, and matched it with a pair of white platforms.  I put on a light purple blue eye shadow and some pink lip-gloss. My mascara from earlier was still deacent so I left it. Last I put on a pearl necklaces and a white ring. I looked in the mirror and was happy with what I put together. Hey maybe it does come naturally.

I went down stairs and stared out the window. Fifteen after eight. He was late but then again he always is. As soon as I saw Jordon’s beat up Chevy I said good bye to my mom and ran out the door. As he sped up down the street I couldn’t help but feel like I had the perfect life. And at the moment, it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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