How to create a character from scratch

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How to create a character from scratch ~ Moonpsyche6 ~

It’s pretty obvious. Characters are a very important part of any novel. Though sometimes it can be pretty hard to think of one.

Here I’ll take you through a few steps on how to create one.

1.      Take a piece of paper and a pen or open a blank page on the computer.

2.      Sit down and relax.

3.      Write everything down what comes to mind when you think of your character even if you think it’s not important. It might be more important later on.

4.      Think of your story. What is it you are going to write? Or what kind of direction do you want your story to take. Characters are very important to create and determine the rest of your story. You need to make a character that goes with the story.

5.      Decide if you want to create a protagonist (hero) or an antagonist (villain). Maybe you need more characters like anti-heroes, sympathetic villains, a wild card, dubious friend etc.

6.      Is your character male or female?

7.      What’s the age of your character? Age can tell the reader a lot about your character. A male that is a 100 years old gives a totally different image than a girl that’s 16.

8.      What’s your character’s goal?/What does he/she want? Make a list! For example in a romance story the antagonist (villain) may want to stop the hero from getting his or her true love. Also. There should be obstacles between your character and their goal(s). Write them down!

9.      What does your character like/dislike? But make them balanced. For example. When a character likes all sweets it can’t dislike a gummy bear.

10.   Add to your list: Habits (good and bad), like biting fingernails (which would indicate he or she is a very worried person) or something more serious like a drug addiction.

11.   Work on the looks of your character. If you can’t think of any just use Google images or something like that. Find a picture and base the looks on that.

12.   What’s your character’s biggest fear?

13.   What motivates him or her?

14.   What’s him/her biggest secret.

15.   How about manners?

16.   Make your character as realistic as possible… If you can think of more things. Then write them down. If you can’t then let it be for a moment.


1.      When you’re writing about your character don’t give everything about the character away unless you need to tell it. Just be careful not to make your character too mysterious.

2.      Observe people around you to get ideas. Your little sister, your uncle, etc. Just watch out you don’t base your character completely on a real person! Maybe they don’t like it. If you really want to, then ask them for permission.

3.      Listen/watch/read other stories, you might get new ideas.

4.      Use stereo types for supporting characters and give them something extra. For example: The lame old teacher. Make it: The lame old teacher that became bitter when his wife left him for another.

So how do you create a character?

How to write a novel (tips every writer could use) ~ Moonpsyche6Where stories live. Discover now