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Nothing much had happened after Laito said that because Reiji had decided to pop in, telling you that he needed you to do something for him. You were half relieved and half upset that the two of you were interrupted. Mixed feelings swelled in your heart and it was hard to tell which emotion you felt more of. You didn't really have time to think about it because Reiji had pulled you aside and told the  both of you to not do indecent things when the door wasn't even locked. You blushed at that but followed the strict vampire nonetheless, leaving the red head behind for now.

Reiji was evidently to busy to organize his books at the moment for he was concocting some new potion or another, so he had you do it. It was tedious but not that hard to do. Some parts of the shelf you couldn't reach and you had to grab a stool just to barely get it in the book case. It was becoming very tiring and you were becoming more irritated by the minute. 

When you had finally finished you put the stool away, sighing and turning to Reiji. "I'm finished." You piped up as you stared at Reiji's back and some of the bubbling liquids. He only waved his hand, not paying you much mind. He seemed too engrossed in whatever he was doing to care about how his shelf was previously arranged. 

You just nodded and quietly left the purple haired vampire be, thankful that you were done. It had almost been two hours. Why did Reiji have so many books anyway? Probably for his potions. You thought as you made your way back to your bedroom, now tired and just wanting to sleep. Rest is all you wanted for now and hopefully you would get it. 

Will you get rest? Who knows? I don't even know yet. I hope you enjoyed this chapter for what it was. Sorry that it's no ecchi scene, but it's something :). I do hope you forgive me. I'll see you next time!<3 

Laito (Raito) Sakamaki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now