Mission Accomplished?

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You hesitated before you started kissing him back, tongue mingling with his. He grunted happily in response and slid his cold hands along the sides of your ribs, grazing the sides of your breasts. Not able to control yourself you mewled in his mouth, earning a smirk from the vampire. He started to pull away from you, fangs dragging softly against your lower lip as he did so.

"Sexy," He breathed, green eyes wandering over your slightly concealed body happily. You were panting lightly, regaining your breath as well as your body and mind. Laito helped you straighten your body, your breasts still against him.

"Th-the towel?" You asked him once more, looking into his amused orbs. He giggled softly and turned his gaze to the white fluffy fabric, grabbing it and placing it on top of your head. You were about to reach for it but Laito interrupted you by rubbing the towel over your head and digging his fingers into your scalp gently, drying you off.

"Stay still Y/N-chan." He smiled, continuing his ministrations. You nodded slightly, letting him dry you off and you couldn't help the small smile on your now red face. Your heart fluttered in your chest, making you very aware of your heartbeat and how it raced. Hopefully Laito couldn't hear it even though he was a vampire and had super good hearing.

Your thoughts were cut off by a cold pressure pressing against your chest where your heart lay underneath the soft flesh. You looked up, the towel being held still by Laito's hand, and saw that his other hand was feeling your heartbeat. You flushed harshly and your heartbeat sped up at an increasingly lovely pace.

His face was soft as were his eyes as he looked down at your chest, fingers gently rubbing the skin while his palm remained still. "Do you like me that much?"

Sorry, going to end this chapter here for you. I think this scene is pretty cute. I kind of wanted to make it like that since I plan on adding more drama later. So, did you like it? I hope so<3 I'll see you all in the next update~

Laito (Raito) Sakamaki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now