A Summer Worth Spending

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Karasuno High...

"Guahhhhhhhhhhhh-" The little crow, Hinata Shouyou, hollers across the hallway but is soon cut off by a whack on his head. Cringing as the pain continues to linger, a low unpleasant voice causes him to shiver.

"Oi baka, urusai- dayo." The helpless bird slowly turns around and finds a tall male figure glaring down at him. It is Kageyama Tobio, the king of the court. Hinata recovers from his fright and begins to tense up.

"What was that for, Kageyama?!" He screeches at him, making his teammate step back a bit. "Well, if you stopped screaming in the hall-"

"It's summer vacation now, it's fun to let go of your intentions sometimes..." Hinata pouts as he skims throughout the hall filled with people. Noticing that he is at loss, Kageyama sighs. "Tch, what ever. Have a nice summer break baka..."

The stuck up crow parts, signaling a good- bye with the back of his hand as he walks away. Hinata grumbles and tightens his fists but smiles brightly as he looks at the slowly disappearing figure.
One by one, the amount of people in the hall starts to decrease. The orange- head begins to make his way down the stairs and towards his shoe locker, thinking about his plans for the break. He scratches his head in frustration, making his hair look like a bird nest. Hinata is about to leave until he spots a feminine figure gazing outside from one of the windows of the hall. Taking a step forward, he finds out that it is one of his classmates, Nakamura Kimiko.

"Nakamura-chan!" He yells, catching the female's attention. Hinata stops in front of her, making her smile. "Konbanwa Hinata, ready for summer vacation?" The boy stands there motionless and lost in thought. Kimiko puts on a confused look as she glances at the little crow. At the moment, the young boy lightens his mood. "Nakamura- chan, do you want to hang out for a couple of days?"

His sudden question surprises her, making her to respond immediately with a smile. "Of course, I would be happy to." Hinata grins, but something still bothers him. "Eto... What are we going to do though?" He asks shyly, trying to remain his calm self.

Kimiko ponders to herself for a while and soon comes to a conclusion. "Hey, I heard there is going to be a volleyball tournament in Tokyo this weekend. How about we go?" As she offers him the request, Hinata's eyes shines with delight.

"A volleyball tournament in Tokyo?! Yeah let's go!" The hyper active boy jumps excitedly and smiles brightly at her her. Seeing his happiness, Kimiko can not help but smile along with him.

After their talk, both of them make their way back home and start to pack for the weekend. Hinata, as usual, rushes home on his bike and makes his way into his room. He could not wait to go to Tokyo, especially going on a trip with Kimiko. He takes a look at his Karasuno volleyball jacket before putting it in his bag.
It is finally the weekend and the day of the trip to Tokyo. Hinata jolts awake and prepares himself for the morning. Roaming around the house, he eats his breakfast and cleans up after his mess before he makes his leave.

Wearing his shoes, his little sister and mother sees him off. "I'm off ma. See ya sis!" With that he quickly waves at them and sprints to their meeting place, the front of the school. On his way, he takes out his volleyball jacket and places it around his shoulders.

Racing with the wind, he feels as if he is free from all his problems. A crow that has finally recovered from a broken wing, being able to soar through the sky again. Hinata continues to dash towards the school, one block after another.

"Huh, it seems I'm early." He thinks out loud as he sets his bag down. Wanting to waste time, he unzips his bag and takes out a blue and yellow volleyball with a Mikasa brand. Using the wall of the school's entrance, he continuously spikes the ball non-stop until he hears tiny foot steps approaching.

Catching the ball, he sees Kimiko wearing a light blue shirt that has flowers embedded at the bottom left corner with slightly patterned skirt and a medium sized bag at her side. Surprised at her appeal, the embarrassed crow blushes slightly and smiles. "You look amazing Nakamura- chan!"

Hearing his compliment, her cheeks flushes a bright red. "You too, that Karasuno volleyball jacket always suit you."  With that, silence and the rustles of the sakura blossoms envelopes the breezy atmosphere. But soon after, they both chuckle with each other and head towards the train station.

Entering the train, Kimiko and Hinata head towards the back and takes their seats. The two sighs with relief, resting against the soft padded seat. Kimiko leans against her left hand and glances at the scenery outside.

The tall green grass and the white flowers dances with each other in the breeze. The leaves of trees slowly and gracefully fall onto the ground. The overwhelming waterfall crashes against the large boulders, creating sparkles to bounce into the sky.

Adoring the sight, Kimiko smiles and begins to turn to face Hinata. "It's beautiful in Tokyo isn't it-" Her question cuts off when she sees the orange- head fast asleep; his head on her right shoulder. She smiles at his sleepy figure and strokes his hair back and forth until the drowsiness strikes her.

"Yatta!" Hinata looks at surroundings while he grips his bag close to him. "So this is Tokyo. It's so different compared to home." Kimiko is thinks out loud. Finally arriving to their destination, the two make their way towards the large gymnasium.

The city is covered with tall buildings and skyscrapers here and there. The streets of Tokyo are busy with cars roaming around and groups of people walking on the sidewalks. "There's so many people. It's easy to get lost in the crowd." With that, Hinata takes Kimiko's hand and holds it securely.

"Like this, we won't get separated from each other." The Karasuno boy smiles at her, causing the female to blush. "A-alright, let's get going." She smiles back at him and squeezes his hand before walking through the crowds of people.

Few minutes have passed and in front of them is a dome shaped building. "Guahhhh, is that the gymnasium?! It's huge!" Hinata widens his eyes in shock, caking Kimiko laugh at his childish personality. "Yep. Let's go inside before the games start." She pulls him along and enters the spacious place.

Going upstairs to take their seats, they notice the two teams lining up and bowing at each other. The game is about to commence.

Kimiko is amazed as she sees the first rally between the two team to last over five minutes. Hinata, on the other hand, stares intently at the court, observing each player but mostly likely there middle blocker. Taking a quick glimpse at him, she notices how he is so into it. 'He loves volleyball doesn't he?' She thinks to herself as the leading team spikes straight down, winning the first set.

"I want to be like him." Hinata pouts as if he is jealous of his skills. Surprised by his words, Kimiko glances down at the court, finding the player he is referring to. Looking back up again, she smiles after his determination.

"I know you will be a great volleyball player over the years. You will even surpass him and the... Little Giant." Hearing her words, he starts to feel inspired and blushes with excitement. "Arigato Nakamura-chan! This makes want to get better and play right now!"

He says as he clasps Kimiko's hands with his. With his sudden actions, her face becomes a bright red. Noticing it, Hinata quickly let's go and blushes even more. "A-Anyways... Let's continue watching the game..." He averts his gaze shyly. Seeing his cute childish expression, she chuckles and ruffles his orange hair.

"You're so cute Hinata. My cute little crow." She smiles at him as he looks at her shyly but smiles back at her.

"You too Nakamura- chan..."



Finally finished with another one shot and it's Hinata Shouyou  ▽・x・▽
Sorry for not writing anything for a while. So busy nowadays.
Well I hope you guys enjoy another OC story
Thank you so much for your support!

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